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Facebook just introduced a sound that will haunt your dreams – here’s how to turn it off

facebook sound notificationWe recently heard (pun intended) that Facebook was planning to introduce sound notifications to alert users whenever they had a new interaction (treading on some ancient AOL ground, aren’t we?), and today the feature was rolled out. The video below captures the magic at hand. 

Now, whenever you get a notification of any kind, Facebook will be audibly letting you know. Before the inevitable backlash, know that there is indeed a way to turn it off. 

all  notifications
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Hit up your Facebook Settings and head to Notifications. The very first option should say “All notifications, sounds on.” Hit view, and uncheck the box. Done and done. 

save changes
Image used with permission by copyright holder

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Molly McHugh
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Before coming to Digital Trends, Molly worked as a freelance writer, occasional photographer, and general technical lackey…
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You can now use the Add Yours sticker on Reels for Facebook and Instagram
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