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pocket listen

Pocket transforms articles into podcasts with an assist from Amazon

Read-it-later app Pocket is adding an option to turn articles into easily navigable podcasts with its new app redesign for iOS and Android. The feature relies on Amazon's voice-to-text service Polly. It marks a shift for the app, and an attempt to expand into the world of podcasts.
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Google’s bag of tricks includes a surprise — the lifelogging Google Clips camera

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Never miss out on a great story with these read-it-later apps

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Mozilla acquires Pocket as it again looks to succeed in the mobile arena

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The Tactica Talon is an everyday carry tool you can actually carry every day

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Read-it-later app Pocket experiments with ‘high quality’ sponsored articles

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Pocket for iOS now offers handy text-to-speech feature

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Productivity Pack nets you premium Pocket, Evernote, Wunderlist, and LastPass for $60

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iPhone 6 denting iPad usage, data shows

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Facebook ‘Save’ button reminds you to read it later, like ‘Pocket’

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Pocket Premium lends permanence to your digital library

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What goes on behind the curtain of popular read-it-later app Pocket