Microsoft surveyed 1,000 18-to-25-year-olds about job searching. The survey revealed that 22 percent who interviewed via Skype dressed up their upper bodies and went more casual below — with 3 percent dispensing with their pants. Regarding resumes, 25 percent of those surveyed thought a “plain resume” would hinder their chances of finding a job. Of the 43 percent who were looking for jobs, 45 percent were not confident of finding one.
The program includes resume and cover letter templates compatible with Word 2013 and later. You also get a 15-percent discount on your first order of resumes, cover letters, or matching business cards from Moo. There are also templates for portfolios, blog posts, and digital resume designs you can to use for free with Sway, Microsoft’s digital storytelling app. Microsoft refers to the Word and Sway templates as “inspired” by Maxie McCoy.
In addition to inspiring designs, Maxie McCoy prepared two comprehensive blog posts for the Dream Job program. One of the posts, “How to design a show-stopping resume” includes tips on nailing your cover letter, showing your value with data, finding ways to stand out, and using the right tools — which naturally include Word, Sway, and Moo.
McCoy’s second blog post, “How to have an unforgettable Skype interview,” includes practicing on camera, being ready for the unexpected, and, of course, keeping your pants on. One of the tips that can save time and hassle is to learn ahead of time how to file-share with Skype so you can transfer digital copies of your cover letter, resume, and portfolio if asked.
You’ll need to use Microsoft Word to get the most from the Dream Job program. Most people already have access to one or more versions of Word, and Sway is free, so taking advantage of the component parts of the Dream Job partnership might not cost anything unless you order print products from Moo.