It’s called the TReGo, and it transforms just about any adult bicycle into a very handy cargo trike.
TReGo is the brainchild of Israel-based Ofir Yadan. The industrial designer and keen cyclist spent the last four years working through a dozen prototypes before finally launching it on Kickstarter this week.
The trolley, which includes an aluminum rack to hold your load, attaches quickly to the front of your bike via the unique “Fast Connector” — no tools needed. The system can handle anything weighing up to 40 pounds, making it perfect for a big trip to the supermarket or for carrying all your barbecue stuff to a nearby park or beach.
And here’s a cool feature: When you arrive at your destination, you can detach the TReGo and pull it around like a regular cart or trolley, great if you need to collect or drop off a heavy load that you’re not keen on carrying. Oh, and when you detach the trolley, the Fast Connector acts as a bike stand so you don’t have to waste time looking for a post or wall to lean your bike against.
The TReGo’s two 16-inch wheels tilt when you turn, giving you a dynamic and agile riding experience, while its hydraulic disc brakes are part of the trolley and controlled by a separate brake lever that attaches quickly and easily to your handlebars.
The team is also working on additional designs, such as a baby carrier for the front and a towing cart attachable to the back of the bike that can handle an even heavier load of 88 pounds, though if there are inclines on your journey you’ll want to be sure your legs up to the job.
Providing the Kickstarter project reaches its $80,000 funding goal and the production schedule goes to plan, a $635 pledge — half the expected retail price — will get you the basic system, including that Fast Connector and rack. Pledge $700 and you’ll get the above plus the 10-gallon TReGo bag, marking a 50 percent saving on the retail price. Shipping is estimated for December 2017.
Check out the video above to see the TReGo in action, or hop over to its Kickstarter page for more details.