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Amazon UK price Nintendo Wii U at £199.99

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Amazon is not the arbiter of all retail knowledge. When mysterious items pop up in its mammoth international database of goods, that does not necessarily mean that it’s a) available at that price, b) available on that date, or c) even a real thing. That said, there are many times when an early Amazon listing does indicate what an item’s price and release date are according to manufacturer projections, and even when those facts are off, the company often honors pre-orders made at that speculative price point. These are important truths to consider when examining’s claims about the Nintendo Wii U’s release.

According to the online retailer, Nintendo’s new console is coming out a whole lot sooner than you might expect. Forget the amorphous holiday release window, a Wednesday posting at the site claimed that Wii U would be available on July 14th for just £199.99.

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The listing has since been removed, but MCV and a number of their intrepid readers in the UK managed to sneak in pre-orders for the console at that price. has also kicked back the Wii U’s potential release date to December 2012.

It’s none too surprising that the July release date was an error. That’s not what’s most interesting about the listing. It’s the potential price point, a subject Nintendo has been reticent to discuss in relation to its new machine, that should pique readers’ interest.

£199.99 is the equivalent of just over $310. This would place the Wii U around the price industry analysts consider dangerous for Nintendo to release at. Given the console’s comparative power to 7-year-old technology like the Xbox 360, consumers will likely balk at the price, tablet or no tablet.

At the same time, Nintendo’s consoles, and all consoles, release in the UK and Europe and higher prices than they do initially in the United States. The original Wii for example cost £179.99 when it hit Europe in 2006, approximately $340 based on exchange rates at the time. The Wii cost just $250 in the United States when it release at the same time, so even if Amazon’s Wii U listing is accurate, the system’s price will likely be much lower outside the UK.

Until Nintendo talks release details later this year, any retail listing for Wii U is suspect. Nintendo is more sensitive about price now than it’s ever been, thanks in part to the Nintendo 3DS abysmal 2011 release. The lesson then was that releasing at too high a price, in that case $250 for a gaming handheld, is too much especially with a lack of AAA software. Wii U may have a potential bestseller right out the gate with New Super Mario Bros. U, but plumbers alone won’t get people to plunk down cold hard cash.

Anthony John Agnello
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Anthony John Agnello is a writer living in New York. He works as the Community Manager of and his writing has…
Play these 3DS and Wii U games before Nintendo shutters their online features
Captain Falcon in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

In April 2024, Nintendo will discontinue online services across its Wii U and 3DS consoles. While the eShops for both systems were shut down in March 2023, this will remove the online functionality of many apps and games, making gaming on either of these platforms an almost entirely offline experience. As a result, many games on those systems will lose important features and never be quite the same to play afterward. So, you'll need to get some gaming time in by next April if you want to refresh and preserve the memories of playing online on these two underdog Nintendo platforms.
While the aforementioned eShop closures make it impossible to buy new games digitally, plenty of games that you likely already own physical copies of or already had downloaded have online features that won't work properly come April 2024. As such, we recommend you play the following games online before the discontinuation of those services next year.
Kid Icarus Uprising

Kid Icarus Uprising is mostly remembered for its entertaining story, charismatic characters, and odd controls, but it also features a surprisingly fun multiplayer experience in Together Mode. In multiplayer, up to six players can use powerful weapons and abilities from the main adventure in one of two modes. Free-for-all lets players loose on a map, tasking them with racking up the most kills within a set time limit. Light vs. Dark is more complex, as two teams of three face off until enough players are defeated that one respawns as an angel; when that powered-up angel is killed, the match is over.
While far from balanced, Kid Icarus Uprising's Together Mode is one of the most entertaining competitive multiplayer experiences exclusive to 3DS. It can be played locally, using bots to fill in empty spots, so thankfully it won't stop working entirely. Still, it's not easy in 2023 to come across multiple people near you who have copies of Kid Icarus Uprising and want to play. As such, check out this cult classic 3DS game's hidden gem of a mode before praying that the rumors of a remaster eventually become true.
Nintendo Badge Arcade

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Nintendo is shutting down online services for 3DS and Wii U next April
Mega Man and Mario fight in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U,

Nintendo confirmed it will widely shut down online services for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U games in April 2024, which will be just over a year after it discontinued the Nintendo eShop on those systems.
This deactivation of most of the online services for those platforms was revealed on X (formerly Twitter) and Nintendo's support site early Wednesday. "In early April 2024, online play and other functionality that uses online communication will end for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U software. This also includes online co-operative play, internet rankings, and data distribution," the message says. "We will announce a specific end date and time at a later date. Please note that if an event occurs that would make it difficult to continue online services for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U software, we may have to discontinue services earlier than planned. We sincerely thank players for using the online services of Nintendo 3DS and Wii U software over a long period of time and apologize for any inconvenience."
Essentially, this means that after April 2024, you won't be able to use any online features in things like 3DS Pokémon games or Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U anymore. Nintendo does say in the Q&A section of its support article that people will still be able to play games offline and redownload updates and games from the Nintendo eShop for the foreseeable future. Pokémon Bank will remain unaffected, so it'll still be possible to transfer Pokémon from Ruby and Sapphire all of the way to Pokémon Home. However, SpotPass support and other online-focused applications like Nintendo Badge Arcade will stop working entirely.

Just like the Wii U and 3DS eShop closure that caused a ruckus earlier this year, this move is a blow to game preservation and will forever harm some games not available anywhere else. While it's understandable that Nintendo might want to move on from these systems' dated online infrastructure, it's still a disappointing move for those of us who spent a lot of time playing games offline and online on these systems.

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Before the Wii U eShop closes, pick up the best Zelda remaster ever
Link waving in Wind Waker HD.

As we approach the final days of the Wii U’s life span with the impending eShop closure, I’ve been reflecting on my time with that system. Although it’s considered a low point for Nintendo, the Wii U and 3DS era was when I truly became a fan of the company, closely following every new announcement and release. I enjoyed many great Nintendo games on Wii U, like Super Mario 3D World and Xenoblade Chronicles X. Still, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is the Wii U game I still come back to the most.

Maybe it’s because I got the Wind Waker-themed Wii U that included the game as a pack-in, but I fell in love with the HD remaster. Not only did it show off the console's power with gorgeous updated visuals, but it fixed a couple of issues with the original and used the system's GamePad seamlessly. On top of that, it's a charming and surprisingly bold game that still stands as one of the best games in the series 20 years after its North American release on GameCube.

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