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Indie hit Bastion heads to the PlayStation 4 today

bastion playstation 4 release ps4
Image used with permission by copyright holder
First announced in December of last year, the PlayStation 4 port of Supergiant Games’ indie hit Bastion hits today. The Vita version, announced at the same time, doesn’t.

This is the first appearance of Bastion on current-gen consoles, but it isn’t the studio’s first time on the PlayStation 4. Supergiant released Transistor last year, and while the game found many friends among critics, it didn’t sell as well as Bastion, which has sold over 3 million copies.

“It feels great having made a game we feel has stood the test of time, as the first version of Bastion launched almost four years ago — practically an eternity in game years,” Supergiant’s creative director Greg Kasavin wrote on the PlayStation Blog, adding, “yet you wouldn’t know it just from playing this latest version, with its hand-painted scenery running at a silky smooth 60 frames per second in 1080p and all that!”

While fans seem happy at the chance to play the game again on the PS4, that didn’t stop them from posting comments asking where the Vita version was. “The Vita version of Bastion is still in development,” Kasavin replied to one commenter. “We don’t have a release date for it at this time. We expect for it to be cross-buy enabled with the PS4 version.”

While Supergiant initially created the game in “the living room of a house in a California suburb,” development for the PS4 port of the game was handled by BlitWorks. The Barcelona-based studio previously worked on PS4 ports of Don’t Starve and FEZ.

Bastion for the PS4 will sell for $15 in North America, while prices for the U.K. and Europe are yet to be announced. Take a look at the trailer for the PS4 and Vita versions of the game below.

Kris Wouk
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Kris Wouk is a tech writer, gadget reviewer, blogger, and whatever it's called when someone makes videos for the web. In his…
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