For a few brief moments following the November 11, 2011 release of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 players were content. Bethesda Softworks had served up yet another expansive, heavily-detailed fantasy world that instantly appealed to fans of the company’s earlier work. Sadly this universal sense of happiness didn’t last long. As time rolled by, Xbox 360 owners were treated to a steady stream of downloadable content additions to the game — three to date — while PlayStation 3 owners were told that they too would see these DLC packs at some unknown point in the future. It’s been more than a year since Skyrim debuted, and now we finally have word on when the aforementioned DLC will be available on the PlayStation 3.
In a new blog post added to the official Bethesda Softworks website just this morning, the company announced that PlayStation 3 owners will be able to download and play the Hearthfire, Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC packs for Skyrim at some as-yet-unknown point during the month of February.
Oh, but that’s not all: Bethesda also offers useful a release date for the PC version of the Dragonborn DLC, as well as word on an upcoming sale targeting DLC-starved PlayStation 3 owners. According to the announcement, the PC version of Dragonborn will appear on Steam come February 5. Why this has a specific date attached to it while the PlayStation 3 DLC is scheduled for a “to be determined” point in the next month is anyone’s guess.
While the upcoming PlayStation 3 debut of Skyrim’s extant DLC is certainly the big news here, Bethesda has a plan to sweeten the pot even further. For the first week of their availability, PlayStation 3 owners will be able to download any or all of the Skyrim DLC for 50 percent off of their regular prices. We don’t yet know what price points Bethesda hopes to attach to each of the PS3 DLC packs, but we expect them to match up with their Xbox 360 analogues. Assuming this is true, the Dragonborn and Dawnguard DLC will set you back $20 each ($10 during the debut sale), while Hearthfire will cost $5 ($2.50 during the sale). We’ll let you know of the official release date for the PlayStation 3 Skyrim DLC just as soon as Bethesda opts to make that information public.