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The Elder Scrolls Online High Isle: How to unlock Ember as a companion

ESO High Isle companions posing in front of a building.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

High Isle has brought a bunch of new content to ESO, including the arrival of two new companions – Ember and Isobel. If you’re looking for a reliable character that’ll help get you through some of High Isle’s tricky content, consider unlocking Ember as soon as possible. The Khajiit makes an excellent Mage, dealing significant damage and speeding up most encounters.

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When you first meet them, however, Ember isn’t ready to join your party. Here’s how to unlock Ember in ESO and gain them as a companion.

Complete the Tower Full of Trouble quest

In order to unlock Ember as a companion, you’ll need to complete the Tower Full of Trouble quest. Here’s a quick look at how to find the quest and complete it.

Step 1: Head toward the Tor Draioch Wayshrine, located just north of the starting zone in High Isle. An easy way to find it is by crossing the bridge northwest of town and following the road farther north.

Step 2: Once you’ve found the Tor Draioch Wayshrine, talk with Ladlow Menant. They'll be located down the road to the south. In fact, anyone following the main road will run into Menant before reaching the Wayshrine. This will start the Tower Full of Trouble quest.

Step 3: Menant will instruct you to find Ember, located to the north. Follow your quest marker to find them.

Ladlow Menant gesturing wildly with his hands.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Step 4: Continue following the quest markers to restore different Wards. Speak with Ember once this task is complete.

Step 5: The Tower Full of Trouble quest will send you to a few different locations to complete a few different tasks. Continue following your quest markers until you find yourself speaking to Magister Irin in the nearby tower.

Step 6: Talk with Irin, then talk one last time with Ember. She’ll ask to become a companion, giving you the option to summon her during your travels.

How to summon Ember

Summoning Ember works just like every other companion in ESO. If you’re new to the system, here’s how it's done.

Step 1: Open the Main menu and navigate to the Collections tab.

Step 2: Select Allies.

Step 3: Select Companions. This will open a menu with all unlocked and summonable companions.

Ember standing on a stone path.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Who is Ember?

Ember is a Khajiit that excels at using magic. Consider adding them to your roster if you’re a tank or melee fighter, as Ember can deal significant damage from afar. Like all companions, your Rapport with Ember will change based on your actions. Here’s a quick look at some of the actions that will gain Ember’s approval and disapproval.

Disapproval: Fishing, trespassing, stealing

Approval: Mages Guild dailies, Thieves Guild heist without bonus, High Isle daily delve, harvesting runestone, killing wolves/werewolves, pickpocketing a guard

There are plenty of other ways to win Ember’s favor or disapproval — so be sure to perform different in-game actions and see how they react. If you manage to raise your Rapport high enough, you’ll unlock special personal quests (Cold Trail; Cold Blood, Old Pain; Green With Envy). Complete these to earn the Ember’s Companion achievement.

Jon Bitner
Jon Bitner is a writer covering consumer electronics, technology, and gaming. His work has been published on various websites…
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It's even holding a Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct right after. If you're an Xbox fan, this is obviously an event that you need to tune into. To help with that, we've rounded up everything you need to know about where and when to watch 2024's Xbox Games Showcase and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct, as well as what your expectations for the presentation should be.
When is the 2024 Xbox Games Showcase and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct
The 2024 Xbox Games Showcase will begin at 10 a.m. PT on Sunday, June 9. The Black Ops 6 Direct will begin immediately after that multigame showcase concludes. Although Microsoft has not committed to an exact start time for that Direct, the Xbox Games Showcase has historically lasted anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half.
Where to watch the 2024 Xbox Games Showcase and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct
Xbox Games Showcase 2024 + Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct (Sunday Live at 10a PT/1p ET)

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All Incantations and how to unlock them in Hades 2
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You can't have a game where you play as a witch without a massive cauldron. Hades 2 places one front and center in the Crossroads, but it isn't just there for decorative purposes. Melinoë can use this big boiling pot of green liquid to bring new features into the game, whether it be between runs or during them, in exchange for various materials like Silver. You will only start out with a few Incantations, but doing more runs and getting further toward your goal of killing Chronos will gradually unlock more to create. There are far more than you might expect for an early access game. Here are all the Incantations and their recipes.
Every Incantation, effect, and recipe
The order in which you unlock Incantations in the menu can vary based on what you do and how you progress in Hades 2, so this list is in no particular order. Also, it is possible there are more we haven't been able to unlock yet, so we will update this list if we discover any more or if additional ones are added during early access.

Incantation name

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How to unlock all weapons in Hades 2
Hades 2 key art from its first trailer.

Hades 2's Melinoë is a very different main character from the first game's Zagreus in terms of personality and in how she fights. Being a witch, magic is core to her moveset, but she still wields all sorts of new weapons. You won't find the standard sword or spear here, as she starts off with just a witch's staff . You'll need to unlock the rest in traditional roguelike fashion. Each item requires you to gather up different materials, but most have some overlap so you will need to be selective about which one you craft first. We're still in the early access period, but for now, here are all the Nocturnal Arms in the game and how you can unlock them.
How to unlock every Nocturnal Arm
Ignoring the Witch's Staff, which you start with, there are four additional weapons to unlock.
Sister Blades
These fast, close-range melee daggers are the easiest to unlock and cost one Silver.
Umbral Flames
This is a medium-range weapon that prioritizes magic and fire attacks for three Silver and three Cinder.
Moonstone Axe
The heavy Moonstone Axe is your big, but slow damage dealer. It will cost you 15 Silver to pick up, so you will need to save up a bit.
Argent Skull
This si an explosive casting weapon that won't be available to unlock until you reach a certain point in the game that we won't spoil here. It will cost you two Glassrock and one Bronze to make.

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