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How to make money early in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Henry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Deep Silver

Your journey as Henry of Skalitz in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is fraught with danger. Naturally, you need to arm yourself to be ready for potential threats. That’s easier said than done as you’re strapped for cash at the start of the campaign, your reputation is down in the dumps, and most merchants don’t want anything to do with you. Thankfully, we’ve got a few tips to help you make more money early in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Troskowitz: The first town where you can make some money

The exterior of the carpenter's house.
Deep Silver

Troskowitz is the first village that you can explore once you start the campaign proper. While it only has a few establishment, it will nonetheless become your main hub for most of the game’s first half. Now, if you do want to make money in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, you need to head to the carpenter’s house, which is directly across the street from the tavern. The reasons for this are because (a) the main door is sometimes left open, and (b) you could still clamber up the log piles to enter the second-floor bedroom window.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • While standing at the main street, use the “Wait” action and fast-forward the in-game time until it’s around 10:00 p.m. This is when most villagers are asleep.
  • Make sure you equip your torch so guards don’t accost you for sneaking around while it’s dark.
  • At the same time, you need to head to the carpenter’s yard without getting spotted by guards. Otherwise, they’d find your behavior suspicious.
  • Crouch to enter stealth mode and enter the main door if it’s been left open. Alternatively, climb atop the log piles and enter the second-floor bedroom window.
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How to steal from the carpenter and his father

The interface of the pickpocketing minigame.
Deep Silver

Once inside the carpenter’s home, stay crouched and approach the carpenter’s father, who should be asleep. Now, you should be able to steal from the NPCs in this building:

  • Press and hold the “Rob” button. The number here determines how many seconds you’ll have for the pickpocketing minigame.
  • Watch out if the interface turns red, since this means you might get detected. Let go of the “Rob” button when this happens to begin the pickpocketing minigame.
  • The wheel interface for the minigame shows blocked-off circles, which represent items that you can loot. There’s also a gauge or timer that slowly winds down.
  • The goal is to click on the loot circles to grab items, and then click on the door icon to “escape” the minigame before the timer expires.
  • You can keep trying several times until you obtain all items–the most important ones are the keys–just be sure you’re able to “escape” via the door icon. Failure to do so will cause the victim to wake up and shout for the guards.

Once you have the keys, use them to unlock the chest that’s next to the carpenter’s father and steal all the items. Next, head downstairs and do the same for the carpenter; he should also be asleep and he has another chest that’s right next to his bed.

Before you leave, you can rummage through the containers and baskets to grab some food as well. Last but not least, you should not be seen by guards as you exit the yard. If they spot you, you will likely get accused of theft come morning.

Where to sell your stolen items

A merchant from Troskowitz.
Deep Silver

Your tactical thievery should net you several items, including weapons like the Hunting Sword, Billhook, Glaive, and Dogwood Village Bow, as well as various tunics, sketches, materials, and even unique dice for the Farkle minigame. You can sell all of these at the Troskowitz trader to make money in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. However, be reminded that the trader will lower his prices because these goods are stolen.

If you want to have more cash, you could either travel north to Tachov or west to Zhelejov to sell your wares. The “stolen” tag shouldn’t apply in these areas since the merchants won’t know where you got your items. The only downside is that these locations are quite far and you could get waylaid by bandits whenever you fast travel.

You’ll probably need food and lodgings while you’re at it

Roman's abandoned house in Troskowitz.
Deep Silver

At best, you could just redo the process of stealing from the carpenter’s home and selling at the trader, even with the reduced prices. It takes a few in-game days for the chests in the carpenter NPCs’ home to get restocked, as well as for the trader’s Groschen (i.e. gold) to return to its default value. If you prefer this method, you could opt to do the following:

  • The food that you’ve stolen from the barrels and crates should be more than enough to keep Henry feel nourished whenever he’s hungry.
  • The tavern lady won’t let you stay at her establishment as she’s still angry. However, you can sleep Roman’s house, which is right next to the tailor’s shop. You can climb up the ladder to the opening on the second floor. The bed here allows you to rest and recuperate, though you won’t be able to save your game. You could use the “Save & Quit” option instead so you don’t waste your precious Savior Schnapps.

That does it for our guide on how to make money in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. As you continue your journey, you should have more than enough Groschen to spare for any type of expense. For other tips, you can check our beginner’s guide, reputation guide, and stolen/damaged items guide.

Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez is a freelance reviewer and guides writer from the Philippines. It’s a country in Southeast Asia, where…
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