Paper Mario: The Origami King, the sixth installment in Nintendo’s Paper Mario franchise, is set to launch on July 17 for the Nintendo Switch, but the game has apparently already leaked online.
The leak was confirmed on Twitter by Nikki, a well-known Nintendo dataminer.
Origami King leaked, datamine/music incoming
— Nikki™ ???? (@NWPlayer123) July 10, 2020
Nintendo has already revealed several details about Paper Mario: The Origami King, including the start of its story, several characters, and its unique turn-based combat system. However, with the leaked copy propagating online, spoilers have also started to spread, including in-game text, concept art from the museum, the final boss, and other late-game content, as confirmed by Gaming Reinvented.
This is similar to the videos of The Last of Us Part II that leaked before its release, revealing important plot points and the game’s ending. While the plot of Paper Mario: The Origami King will not be as shocking as that of The Last of Us Part II, fans who would rather uncover the story themselves might want to stay away from social media and streaming platforms until they get their hands on the game.
It remains unclear, however, how Paper Mario: The Origami King found its way to the wild. The game is actually the second entry in the series that leaked before launch, as Nintendo released Paper Mario: Color Splash to the Wii U eShop two weeks ahead of schedule, Nintendo Life recalled.
Digital Trends has reached out to Nintendo for comments regarding the Paper Mario: The Origami King leak, and we will update this article as soon as we hear back.