According to the game’s official website, over 80,000 gamers have opted to play the new Resident Evil 7: Biohazard in virtual reality, making it a major VR success.
Upon loading Resident Evil 7, gamers can opt-in for their statistics to be allocated. This will show how much in-game distance was traveled or how long players took to beat the game. Another vital statistic shows which gamers opted to go with the PlayStation VR option.
Roughly 10 percent of gamers are playing the game with PSVR headsets, making Resident Evil 7: Biohazard a AAA VR success. The numbers are also being updated live, so expect them to go up in the coming weeks. Earlier this week, numbers were in the 60-thousand range, meaning that positive buzz is driving gamers to pick up the game along with a VR headset. It should be noted that the overall global numbers include Xbox One and PC gamers as well. As of now, it’s uncertain what percentage of the PlayStation 4 user-base is going with the VR option.
Unfortunately for many gamers, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is a PSVR exclusive, meaning PC gamers that own an HTC Vive or Oculus Rift are unable to experience the game in VR. Because PCs can have far more power than consoles, it would have been interesting to see people’s reactions to the game running at its absolute limit. Luckily, patient PC gamers will be able to experience the game in VR next year, when Sony and Capcom’s PSVR exclusivity deal expires.
But considering that PC gamers can be very resourceful, it wouldn’t be too surprising if a mod is released that allows players to experience the game in VR on their desktops. Until then, we can continue to watch reaction videos online.