Resident Evil: Revelations was originally released in 2012, over five years ago, for Nintendo 3DS. Since then, it has been updated and released to a variety of platforms, including Windows PC, PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii U. The Xbox One and PS4 releases will be the latest and potentially best versions of the game when they arrive in the fall.
Prior to the phenomenal Resident Evil 7‘s release earlier in 2017, Revelations and its sequel, Resident Evil: Revelations 2, were among the most celebrated of the recent games in the Resident Evil series. Neither was perfect, but they hewed closer to the series’ survival horror roots than the last couple of main series entries, including 2009’s Resident Evil 5 and 2012’s Resident Evil 6.
More: Resident Evil 7 review: the horror reboot we’ve waited for
The PS4 and Xbox One releases will doubtless be new versions of the HD version released to Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, and Windows after the initial 3DS release. The console version improved the graphics and effects and added various new content. It’s unclear if the PS4 and Xbox One versions will add more on top of that, or if Capcom will simply port them to the newer platforms without changing anything.
The move may have been prompted by the overwhelmingly positive reception to Resident Evil 7, released in January. The game has largely been seen as the series’ comeback, bringing it back to its roots while simultaneously feeling original.
For the Resident Evil series’ 20th anniversary last year, the developers of Revelations released a video describing what makes their take on the series unique.