Google Drive, iCloud, OneDrive, and a myriad of other server-based options do exist, to be sure, but those require an Internet connection and a monthly subscription if you blow past a certain data threshold. That’s why third-party storage solutions for the iPhone are so popular, and why accessory maker Adam Elements is introducing its own take on expandable memory with the iKlips Duo.
The iKlips Duo, the latest in the firm’s line of expandable storage for iPhone, seems humdrum at first glance. It comes in familiar 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB flavors, and its key ring connector calls to mind the sort of USB drives that conference exhibitors hand out like candy. But there’s much more to the Duo then meets the eye. It packs high-speed MLC flash memory — “the fastest memory for iPhone, iPad, and iPad Pro,” according to Adams Elements — formatted with the exFAT file system. And that lets you store files larger than the 4GB to which storage devices with FAT32 are constrained. It also makes usage of plug and play: connect the Duo’s Lightning connector to your iOS device and you’ve immediately got more space to play around with.
The Duo’s other distinguishing feature (and namesake) becomes apparent when you flip the dongle around: a USB 3.1 connector. It provides a way to transfer any files you’ve stored on the Duo to a Mac or PC, of course, but also to access any internal data that iOS exposes to storage devices (i.g., your Camera Roll and iTunes music library). It’s essentially a memory stick and Lightning-to-USB adapter rolled into one.
Another component of the Duo package is iKlips 2.0, the newest iteration of Adam Elements’ companion app. At its most basic, it provides a means of managing the files you’ve stored on the Duo, but it’s capable of far more. It integrates with Apple Music to access your iTunes library, allows you to password-protect files and folders with Touch ID, works with iOS’s Split View on supported devices, and features AirPlay for casting videos and music to wireless devices.
The iKlips improves upon its predecessor in other, smaller ways as well. It’s designed with a small “step” that fits more iPhone and iPad cases. It comes in gray, rose gold, gold, and red. It’s got a silicon sleeve for protection against bumps and scratches. And it’s fully certified and licensed by Apple.
Adams Elements has launched an IndieGogo campaign ahead of the iKlips Duo’s retail availability. Tiers start at $79 for the 32GB model and go up from there: $99 for 64GB, $150 for 128GB, and $179 for 128GB. The campaign has met its initial goal of $50,000 (in fact, it has reached $114,860 as of the time of writing) with 23 days to spare.
Ship dates are yet to be announced, but the iKlips 2.0 app is penned for launch in April.