Any tech geek who has been following Samsung’s Galaxy Note 2 launch has probably picked up on how similar it is to the company’s Galaxy S3 release. Like Samsung’s flagship smartphone, the Note 2 comes with the same curved design as the S3 and was also released on all five major U.S. carriers following its launch, unlike the original Galaxy Note.
Samsung is pulling yet another similar move by introducing new color variants for the Galaxy Note 2. According to Japanese site Blog of Mobile, brown and red variants of the Note 2 have been outed in a magazine ad and could be making their way to South Korea in the near future.
The official names for these two colors are believed to be Amber Brown and Ruby Wine. The brown version of Samsung’s second-generation “phablet” is already available in Japan, so it’s only a matter of time before the Korea-based company launches this variant in other countries as well. Although the magazine ad clearly depicted these two new color choices, the advertisement doesn’t reveal any information about when these versions would launch.
While a commercial ad for new editions of the Note 2 certainly seems promising, we can’t be sure that these colors will roll out in South Korea until Samsung makes an official announcement. In addition, it remains unclear as to whether or not these colors will make their way to other nations, like the United States.
Amber Brown and Ruby Wine aren’t the only new shades that Galaxy Note 2 fans may be seeing soon. An allegedly leaked press photo of a black version of the Note 2 surfaced online last week, furthering suspicion that Samsung will roll out more color options very soon. This darker version of Samsung’s 5.5-inch device has not been confirmed, but the image was reported by multiple websites. No source has been specified, but the picture depicted Samsung’s logo sprawled across the back of the black handset.
This speculation about new color variants comes just as the Galaxy Note 2 hit a major milestone in its South Korean market. Sales of the Galaxy Note 2 have officially topped one million sales in the country as of Monday.
The Galaxy Note 2 has already proven itself to be one of Samsung’s most successful devices, and we’re interested to see if the company confirms any of these rumors during January’s Consumer Electronics Showcase in Las Vegas or February’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.