The tools continue an update that launched earlier in 2017 that told travelers if prices were lower or higher than normal. Now, inside Google Flights, the same tool will also tell you how much lower or higher than usual the price is and, even more importantly, whether or not prices are expected to drop or increase between now and the departure date.
A similar tool is rolling out for hotel searches inside Google. Now, along with triggering options to add check-in dates and pricing parameters, Google will now tell you if those dates are busier than usual. A line of text above the hotels will warn travelers of busy travel seasons — for example, pointing out when you have selected dates that are during popular travel holidays. Google says the tool will also alert users if they are trying to head to town when a large conference or other event is also in the area, making rooms scarce and driving prices up.
While Google already has travel alerts by email for flights, users can now get hotel alerts on a smartphone, with a similar tool expected to arrive after the new year.
The final update isn’t about getting there or where to stay, but what to do when you are there. The Google Trips app now has a discounts section that allows travelers to search for price drops on attractions. The new feature allows travelers to access discounted tickets for attractions from the same app that can handle the flight and accommodations.
The update expands the travel tools Google announced over the summer. While the earlier feature would show if the price had decreased recently, the algorithms will not also estimate if those prices will go down further — or if they will only go up from there. The same update brought parameters to hotel searches, allowing travelers to find a hotel that will also welcome their dog, for example, or accommodations that also have a pool.
The price predictions are accessible all through a Google search, while additional tools and the discounted attractions will be rolling out to the free Google Trips app.