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Crimes of the Future trailer unveils a Cronenberg world

If we’ve learned anything from David Cronenberg’s previous films, it’s that he really loves diving into body horror. Videodrome, The Brood, The Fly, eXistenZ, and Shivers all dealt with the subject matter in different ways. But in Cronenberg’s latest film, Crimes of the Future, the body horror isn’t accidental or inflicted as a punishment. These people are choosing to change themselves in strange and unusual ways because they believe it’s the next step of human evolution.

Ahead of the film’s theatrical release this summer, Neon has released the first trailer for Crimes of the Future. And while some of the modifications and biotechnology may look similar to Cronenberg’s earlier films, they come off even weirder in this movie, because in this story, it’s not just science, it’s performance art.

CRIMES OF THE FUTURE - Official Teaser

Don’t worry if you didn’t understand much about that trailer. It’s pretty incompressible without the proper context. Fortunately, Neon also provided the synopsis for the film.

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“As the human species adapts to a synthetic environment, the body undergoes new transformations and mutations. With his partner Caprice (Léa Seydoux), Saul Tenser (Viggo Mortensen), celebrity performance artist, publicly showcases the metamorphosis of his organs in avant-garde performances. Timlin (Kristen Stewart), an investigator from the National Organ Registry, obsessively tracks their movements, which is when a mysterious group is revealed … Their mission – to use Saul’s notoriety to shed light on the next phase of human evolution.”

Viggo Mortensen in Crimes of the Future.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Cronenberg wrote and directed Crimes of the Future, which will premiere in competition at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival. The theatrical release will follow in June.

Blair Marnell
Blair Marnell has been an entertainment journalist for over 15 years. His bylines have appeared in Wizard Magazine, Geek…
The best David Cronenberg movies, ranked by Rotten Tomatoes
The Brundlefly in "The Fly" (1986).

If you're Canadian auteur David Cronenberg, purveyor of oozy body horror, psycho-sexual titillation, and all manner of other subversive content, it's hard to imagine better pre-release hype around your new film than numerous reports of nauseated audiences fleeing screenings. Of course, this was the Cannes Film Festival, where people enjoy walking out of movies for virtually any provocation. And the movie, Crimes of the Future, once widely reviewed, proved to be not quite as repugnant as those early reports described, despite its graphic depiction of organ removal surgery as live entertainment.

Still, the fact remains that few filmmakers alive could stir up such pre-release controversy. Even after not having made a feature film since 2014 -- and not one in this vein for several decades -- people knew exactly what they were getting into with a David Cronenberg movie. (The horrible goop mutants in the animated comedy series Rick and Morty are called Cronenbergs if that gives you some indication of the associations conjured by the man.) In celebration of the master's return to the splendidly sickening, we list his best films according to Rotten Tomatoes.
10. Scanners (1981) – 70%

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Crimes of the Future review: David Cronenberg hails the old flesh
Léa Seydoux and Viggo Mortensen get intimate.

If Hell has an Ikea, it’s fully stocked with the designer grotesqueries that pass for furniture in Crimes of the Future. Dangling womb hammocks, the latest advance in bio-mechanical Tempur-Pedic technology, squirm to relieve the discomfort of those slumbering within their folds. A chair, seemingly made from nothing but bone, rather hilariously jerks and fidgets to ease the digestion process of fussy eaters. The grandest of these organic-machine luxury amenities is an automated surgery pod whose incising tentacles are controlled by a shuddering, insectlike remote. The Geek Squad technicians ogle the appliance like a sports car, admiring its shiny surfaces and gleaming hospital hardware.

Who else but Carol Spier could have designed this mutant showroom? Her baroquely unmistakable work is the earliest indication that we’re watching someone plummet off the wagon into an all-night bender two decades after he went cold turkey on his biggest vice. That someone, of course, is David Cronenberg, the Canadian director of such gooey, goopy triumphs as The Fly, Videodrome, and Naked Lunch. His vice, creatively speaking, was once body horror, the queasy strain of corporeally fixated nightmare fuel on which he built a reputation. Cronenberg got clean at the end of the last century, kicking his habit of wreaking havoc on humanity’s spongiest bits. But after 20 years sober, he’s ready to party like it’s 1999. No flesh, old or new, is safe.

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Roll for initiative in Stranger Things 4’s final trailer
The cast of Stranger Things.

It's been far too long since we've checked in with the kids of Stranger Things. But this week, the wait will come to an end with the premiere of Stranger Things 4. In the final trailer for the new season, almost all of the familiar characters are back. But perhaps the most stunning development is that some of the teens may be going into the Upside Down itself.

But first, Dustin and the gang have become the Hellfire Club, a new Dungeons and Dragons group, and they're playing on a much bigger stage than before. Meanwhile, Lucas is finding athletic success on the basketball court, and something very strange is happening to Max. And when we say "strange," we mean it's bizarre even by Hawkins' standards!

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