You might have gotten a look at the debut teaser trailer for Christopher Nolan’s trilogy-capping The Dark Knight Rises online last week in bootleg form. Hopefully you skipped it so you can go into the now-officially-launched minute-and-a-half long clip with fresh eyes.
The teaser, which debuted on Facebook, is perfect, exactly what a first look should be. We get glimpses of the movie, plenty of them, but the sorts of things that raise questions rather than reveal secrets. Why is Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman) looking like death in a hospital bed? Who is Bane (Tom Hardy) staring so intently at? And why is Ra’s al Ghul (Liam Neeson) narrating when he’s dead? Okay, well-researched fanfolk probably know the answer to that last one.
Unfortunately, there’s still more than a year to wait until The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters. Not much more than a year — July 20, 2012 — but a long ways off all the same. Enjoy this all-too-brief look… we probably won’t be seeing much more for awhile.