Partnering up with Marlin Equipment Finance, Leica Professional has created a new lease program that features a 1.9 percent APR for 36 months. Unlike other leasing programs, where you never outright own the equipment, at the end of your Leica lease, you will own your gear.
As with any credit, it’s important to make sure your budget is capable of handling the investment and accruing interest. But there are times when it does make more sense to spread out the payments, especially if you’re expecting the camera setup to pay for itself through the images you take with it.
It’s worth reminding you that Leica is limiting this offer to “professional photographers,” which is defined as anyone who makes the majority of their income from photography. However, it’s unclear how Leica intends to screen those looking to utilize this new program.
Based off the three year plan and accrued interest, a Leica S-E (Typ 996) would cost just under $500 a month, while a Leica SL (Typ 601) would run a bit over $200 a month. Lenses vary much more, but would also need to be included if you’re hoping to make a complete setup.
Leica says its M-System cameras will also be able to be leased when purchased, but will not qualify for the 1.9 percent promotional interest rate. Instead, the interest rates will be based off individual credit.
It’s still not cheap, but it’s a solid option if you’re looking to invest in Leica’s mirrorless systems.