One such app is Tripstr, an iOS and web app that’s looking to change how people think about sharing and recommending locations and venues when traveling around the world.
Much like Google and Apple’s automated creations, Tripstr uses the metadata information within your photographs to put together a clever display of your journeys across the globe. Specifically, it utilizes the GPS location embedded in the images (if available) to plot where they were taken on a map, powered by Mapbox’s OpenStreetMap.
In addition to the interactive maps and information such as days spent traveling, number of locations visited, and number of photos taken, Tripstr lets you add commentary to your travels. In a hybrid blog-post style, you can share thoughts on your trip one day or location at a time.
After you create an account, you can follow other people, comment on other travelers’ adventures, and save the locations you most like for the next time you’re nearby.
Boiled down, Tripstr is a visual travel journal. As its tagline says, “You take photos, Tripstr does the rest.” It’s a great way to bring together and share your vacations, whether they be down the road or around the world.
You can download the Tripstr iOS app for free in the iOS App Store.