Selfies are a tricky business. Some people love them, while others… not so much. However, no matter which group you fall into, there’s no doubting that selfies are indeed a thriving art and an accepted class of photography. Just take a look at some of these well-known individuals having a jolly good time taking self portraits.
Pope Francis
One would never expect the head of the Church to appear in a candid group shot with some of his followers, but he did… and kudos for it, your holiness. Never mind that he’s actually the first Pope to ever tweet. This photo is proof enough that Pope Francis is always game to be one of the gang.
@KofC epic #selfie #PopeFrancis
— Fabio M. Ragona (@FabioMRagona) August 29, 2013
Michelle Obama
Yes, it’s official – it’s totally cool to be an animal lover and have your Instagram accounts mostly populated by pics of your pets. This shot of the FLOTUS and First Dog Bo is all sorts of adorable.
Geraldo Rivera
OK, maybe this isn’t as adorable as the previous selfie, but it is a little bit surprising to find the 70 year-old news personality in the semi-buff…intentionally. It also is proof that even intelligent people sometimes have off days when they are too quick on the camera click. Unfortunately, not everyone found it daring or amusing – he reportedly loss a speaking gig because of it. The tweet containing the selfie has been deleted off his Twitter page, but of course, we found a screenshot (thank you, Internet!).
Tyra Banks
Supermodels are an entirely different species. They usually have voluptuous physiques, flawless faces, and overall beauty that is hard to replicate. So it’s a little bit refreshing when one of them intentionally takes a selfie that doesn’t showcase their bedazzling looks. Tyra posted this pic in the hopes of highlighting the art of “smizing,” but she unwittingly showcased her exceptional portrayal of an alien as well.
Meryl Streep & Hillary Clinton
Clearly, we live in an amazing world where Meryl Streep and Hillary Clinton are total besties, and it’s awesome. This selfie of two of the most admired and influential women on earth is worth checking out… and they knew it, too – Meryl donated the pic she took of her and Hillary to charity.
Neil Patrick Harris and Ian Somerhalder
Photobombing is an annoyance, but in some cases, it can also be considered an art form. The appearance of Neil Patrick Harris in Ian Somerhalder’s selfie is what makes the photo a masterpiece.
Sometimes you get photo Bombed by Neil Patrick Harris… Awesomeness
— Ian Somerhalder (@iansomerhalder) February 2, 2013
Luca Parmitano
You may not know who Luca is, but you should. He is an Italian astronaut from the European Space Agency who may be the first person to ever take a selfie in outer space. Yes, that’s right – his photo is literally out of this world.
This sure beats any “selfie” I’ve done up to now | Il migliore autoscatto che abbia fatto finora #spacewalk #Volare
— Luca Parmitano (@astro_luca) July 11, 2013