Although other nominees had a serious fighting chance to be the Web’s favorite kitty this year, Grumpy Cat was the runaway winner with over 20,000 votes. As she should – after all, she’s got her own manager, her own coffee drink brand, and a movie deal in the works.
But perhaps some new felines are about to give Grumps a run for her money. These are the latest Internet-beloved cats that are getting a shot at the limelight. We dare you not to get a case of the happy-sads going through this list.
1. Polly
She’s taking London by storm with her adorable folded ears and her innate ability to hypnotize onlookers with her charm and overall adorableness. If Grumpy Cat is renowned for her iconic “I’m-dissatisfied-with-your-incompetence” face, Polly has the makings of becoming an adorable antithesis. Don’t lie: You just tried to pet the screen, didn’t you?
2. Ragdoll Gracie
When a cat has a bigger Facebook following (over 26,000 fans!) than you, props are deserved. Gracie’s Facebook page numbers actually made the news; kiss goodbye to any relevance you ever thought you had! She’s like the Kate Middleton of cats – her mixed breed of Angora Persians and Burmese makes her docile and dainty, not at all meant to be paraded on a leash where she can create a ruckus among feisty alley cats.
3. Trogsly
Reddit may have found Grumpy Cat’s successor in Trogsly the Persian Cat, dubbed “the eater of flies, and destroyer of all things that make crinkly noises.” He’s got the disappointed look down pat.
Just like his fellow Redditors, he hates people who ask stupid questions.
He’s very moody, but dressing up like the Grinch calms him down (Check. Out. Those. Whiskers.). Plus, you can have your Trogsly two ways: Shaven and unshaven – both upsettingly cute. Oh and yeah, he has a fan club. Do you have a fan club? Is it just your parents? Give up and join the Trogsly train.
4. Captain Pancakes
With a name like that, how could this cat not take over Instagram? These Instagrams have gone viral and given the Captain a place as possible contender for the Internet’s scowliest cat.
Captain Pancakes is a natural born thespian and entertainer. He could easily play Simba in an all-pet ensemble of The Lion King. He’s got more swag than those guys on Mad Men. He’s cooler than Kanye West. He’s great at fight scenes and knows when it’s overkill:
We smell a movie deal in the works.
5. Foo-Chan
Foo-Chan from Japan is also a pretty amazing cat actor, but unlike the Jack of all trades route Captain Pancakes took, he decided to make dramatic roles his niche.
Planning to launch a Kickstarter project for a cat soap opera? Foo-Chan can totally play your lead role, the rag-to-riches tom cat who’s searching far and wide for his long-lost parents.
If horror’s more your thing, Foo-Chan can also be cast as the demon cat that can control your mind and get you to do foolish things.
But really, dramatic roles are his bread and butter.
6. Hana
If you’re familiar with the super-cute cat Maru (you’re not? Get outta here!), you’re going to love Hana just as much… they’re siblings!
And they love each other so much. And it’s almost just… just too much.
Since Hana is still a tiny little kitty, Maru has made it his mission to keep watch over her as she develops into a full-grown cat.
Here’s a video of Maru teaching Hana “how to make humans crazy from too much cat adorableness”:
Looks like a new dynamic duo on our radar.