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facebook users only spend 10 percent of time on apps mark zuckerberg

Zuckerberg denies PRISM involvement again at shareholder’s meeting

While Mark Zuckerberg has denied Facebook's involvement in the U.S. government's PRISM program, can Facebook's statements really be trusted?

Google asks the U.S. Government to disclose NSA requests after Prism controversy

After Google was named as one of the companies that shared private data with Prism, it is now requesting that the NSA tells everyone what Google did share.
edward snowden header

The Digital Self: Thank Edward Snowden (even if you want him in jail)

Whatever you think of Edward Snowden's NSA leak, or sacrificing privacy for safety, thank him for exposing the dangers of putting our lives online.

NSA whistleblower behind PRISM leaks reveals identity, seeks political asylum abroad

Edward Snowden, the man behind last week's leaks of top secret document that reveal widespread surveillance of U.S. citizens, has revealed his identity.

Oh my God! The government is doing … exactly what we thought it was doing all along

The NSA's PRISM program may be a gross violation of American's privacy, but it's not shocking enough to push the general public to action.

Big Brother has always been watching, but how much can he see?

snooping scandal us internet giants all deny prism involvement

Snooping scandal: US Internet giants all deny PRISM involvement

Leaked National Security Agency order reveals widespread call monitoring of Verizon customers

declassified NSA document

Search like a spy with these tips from a declassified NSA document

Following a recent FOIA request, the National Security Agency's previously confidential guide to internet research has been released to the public

US gov’t building hacker army for cyber war

The NSA can track you via smartphone under ‘certain circumstances’

Anonymous hits the Booz, 90K military emails compromised

Google May Team With Top U.S. Spy Agency