In 11 Microsoft stores across the United States and Canada, including Westfield Century City in Los Angeles and the Microsoft Flagship Store in New York City, doors will open several hours before Quantum Break releases, giving attendees a chance to try out the game, enter a raffle for prizes, and receive a limited-edition poster when they purchase the game. In addition, a “post-launch event” in Sydney, Australia will also give fans the opportunity to meet the game’s star, Shawn Ashmore, during which he’ll be signing autographs and conducting a Q&A. Ashmore is best known for his role as Iceman in Fox’s X-Men films.
Launch events for Microsoft’s biggest Xbox One games are no surprise at this point; Halo 5: Guardians offered attendees a chance to tour 343 studio, and an enormous livestream showed off footage of both the game and the Fall of Reach animated series. Sunset Overdrive, which received nowhere near as much pre-release hype as Quantum Break, had a launch party featuring console giveaways, t-shirts, and a “DJ outfitted as the hero.”
The only thing truly surprising about Quantum Break‘s launch parties is just how simple they sound. For a game this important to the Xbox One’s success, at least in the first half of 2016, I expected something a little more substantial. Give a crash-course in the game’s take on time travel. Play “is it live-action or the video game.” Bake a Quantum Cake, at the very least!
Quantum Break hits both Xbox One and PC on April 5. Developer Remedy Entertainment will be hosting its own livestream event “near launch,” thought its not currently clear if the event will offer a look at previously unseen gameplay or live-action footage.