Tired of making those pesky to-do lists? Let Google Home handle it for you.
According to LifeHacker, Google Assistant is reportedly rolling out an update this week that will let you set reminders just by using your voice. That means the device could remind you of things you might even want to forget, like doing the dishes or calling your uncle’s friend’s cousin to wish him a happy birthday.
The point is that Google Home will help you remember just about anything you choose to moving forward. All you have to do is tell it to help you.
“Ok Google, set a reminder for … (my 4 p.m. work meeting at One World Cafe on 313 Main Street),” is all you have to do to activate Google Home’s newest feature. You can then choose how soon before the event and how frequently you’d like to be reminded. If you have an Android phone you can also get reminders via your app wherever you are.
In addition, Google Assistant should be able to recognize multiple users, which means that your partner won’t see your reminders, which is a good thing because you don’t want him or her to know that you can never remember the exact date of your anniversary.
The feature will roll out today, September 26, and will be implemented over the coming weeks in the United States, Canada, the U.K., and Australia, according to Engadget.
With the reminders, Google Assistant joins Siri, which has featured voice-activated reminders for years for iPhone users. Amazon’s Alexa rolled out a similar feature in June.
The feature is one of several Google Home has recently added — others include hands-free calling. You can get more information on Google’s Home support page, including how to manage your reminders, update your Android version on your phone, set up more than one user, and more.