- F9LMQS064281 to F9LMQS066024
- F9LMQS085294 to F9LMQS085313
- FALMQS088716 to FALMQS089177
Since the initial launch of the PG279Q, Asus says it’s improved upon past quality control techniques, and in North America, it’s adding an extra layer to the process. Before shipping them off to retailers, Asus explains that every monitor will be subjected to a “visual inspection” in a “darkened environment,” according to the release. From now on, Asus hopes to discover defective PG279Q monitors before they arrive on store shelves.
Despite sending out replacements for this exact issue, Asus does warn that the “IPS glow” customers have repeatedly complained about is nevertheless prevalent in this type of display. Consisting of a murky discolored shadow, the glow appears to exacerbate when looked at from off-center angles.
That’s notably a different effect than with backlight bleed, which causes uneven brightness on the perimeter of the display. Backlight bleed is an issue that is not related to IPS technology, but the “glow” effect is common to IPS technology, and a result of how the technology filters light through its panel. Asus’ is probably replacing monitors showing the effect with some reluctance, though it’s possible some may exhibit it more than is normal.
While this could be considered a generous move by Asus, its monitors should have been under stricter quality control to begin with. There’s no reason customers of an $800 monitor should be inconvenienced by such a rampant technical drawback.
In our review of Asus’ ROG Swift PG279Q, we commended the monitor for its attractive design and highly adjustable stand, but criticized the lack of input options and high-end asking price relative to the 1440p screen resolution.
To request a replacement, Asus advises its customers to contact customerloyalty@asus.com.