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Error! The 3 most bothersome bugs troubling Diablo III players

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Considering that it’s a small release with no substantial following, you may not have heard that a publisher named Activision Blizzard put out a game called Diablo III today. It’s a sequel to a game released in 2000 called Diablo II that not many people played. The people who made it are named Blizzard, who has also made some lesser-known games like World of Warcraft and Starcraft II. The original Starcraft is a national pastime in the little known country South Korea.

I lied. Everyone knows what Diablo III is. The Akuntsu tribes that live far from urban society, concealed in the Amazon rainforest, had Diablo III downloaded and ready to go on their accounts three days ago in anticipation of the midnight launch. The entire pantheon of Greek deities including Zeus is playing Diablo III right now. It’s pretty popular.

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No release of a huge game that requires an Internet connection to play is free of foibles, bugs, and problems though. Diablo III is no exception. Here’s a quick round up of common problems afflicting intrepid adventurers as they plunge into the game’s dungeons for the first time.

* Error 37

The biggest, ugliest of the Diablo III errors only hurt players when the floodgates were opened last night. Thousands of players that attempted to log into Blizzard’s authentication server were completely shut out of the game, seeing only the following “Error 37” message: “Due to high concurrency, the login servers are currently at full capacity.” After 12 years of anticipation, Diablo III players crashed the game’s servers the second the game was playable. Internet response was swift and hilarious, with “Error 37” becoming a trending topic on Twitter almost immediately. The problem has largely been fixed as of this writing.

* Error 315300

An error intended to mark user login errors—namely incorrectly written usernames, passwords, or copy-and-pasted text with non-plain text placed in those fields—popped up for a number of Diablo III beta participants entering the correct information. This is caused by, as Polygon reported on Tuesday, a subfolder in Diablo’s ProgramData directories with elevated privileges, blocking the Windows account user that installed the game. Creating a new Windows account and launching the game through it can work around this problem.

* Error 3006

Stay away from the Templay follower in Diablo III. Eurogamer reported that some players who equipped the seemingly helpful warrior encountered early in the game with a shield were booted out of the game. When they tried to log back in, they received the “Error 3006” message and were blocked out. Others were completely locked out of their accounts. Blizzard said it is already preparing a fix for players afflicted by this error.

Anthony John Agnello
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Anthony John Agnello is a writer living in New York. He works as the Community Manager of and his writing has…
Best Diablo 4 Druid build: recommended skills, passives, and gear
best diablo 4 druid build skills passives gear

Diablo 4's Druid class is effective, allowing players to shapeshift and use magic to damage opponents from afar. It's an intimidating class to use, especially compared to some of the classics, but once you have the right build, the Druid can be devastating. It takes a little while to get it going, but once you master the art of this class, it's highly effective.

In this guide, we'll cover the very best Druid build in Diablo 4.
Recommended build

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Best Diablo 4 Rogue builds: recommended skills, passives, and gear
A rogue looking determined.

Rogues are always an enticing class to play as in RPGs like Diablo 4. These characters have plenty of different tricks and options open to them, making them versatile, but always deadly, no matter what World Tier you're on. With so many options to pick from, such as melee or ranged, trap types, and different status effects, it can feel overwhelming when trying to figure out what is worth investing in to make a powerful Rogue. Rather than tinker endlessly with all the possible combinations of this class, we'll give you two powerful Rogue builds to make you more formidable in Diablo 4.
Rogue overview
Rogues are meant to be fast and deadly. They have very high damage-per-second (DPS) potential to make up for lower defense and HP, as well as numerous tricks like bombs and traps to keep themselves safe. This is one of the more active classes in Diablo 4, requiring you to manage your cooldowns and be more active during fights compared to more tanky classes. You'll need to be more precise playing a Rogue because many of their skills need to be targeted. However, thanks to some powerful synergies, mastering this class could make you one of the most powerful members of your team.
Ranged build

Unless you're absolutely certain you can take out an enemy before they can land any significant blows on you, a ranged Rogue build is the safest bet. Don't let that get you down, though, because Rogues are arguably even more deadly at a distance than up-close. Here's a strong range build to mop up enemies before they even have a chance to touch you. Feel free to use either a bow or crossbow depending on your preference.
Must-have skills
Penetrating Shot: This is going to be your basic attack in many ways. As the name suggests, this skill shoots an arrow that penetrates all enemies to hit as many as you can get lined up, though at slightly reduced damage than a normal shot. It also has a chance for a Lucky hit, but make sure you get the Enhanced Penetrating Shot as well to increase the damage the shot does by a percentage for each enemy it hits.

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Best Diablo 4 Sorcerer builds: recommended skills, passives, and gear
Diablo 4

Each of the five classes in Diablo 4 plays to different strengths. All of them are viable for completing the game, whether you're going through the story alone or with a group of friends, but it is important to know what role each one serves best and how to optimize them to take advantage of those strengths. The skill trees for each character can be a bit overwhelming, especially if this is your first time venturing into the world of Sanctuary. If the Sorcerer has caught your eye as a fun character to begin with, then a little guidance on how to make a powerful build will go a long way. Here is a general overview of the Sorcerer class, plus some examples of builds you can work toward to melt all that oppose you with powerful magic in Diablo 4.
Sorcerer overview

The Sorcerer is a magic-focused class that focuses on three primary elemental magics: Fire, Ice, and Lightning. They tend to be something of a glass cannon, meaning they deal very high damage, but are not able to take many hits. There are ways to mitigate your more squishy nature, but this isn't a class you should pick if you want to get right up in your enemies' faces and beat them down. Sorcerers are best used at range, so they can keep moving and dishing out tons of damage and effects.
Lightning build

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