Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition is hitting PS3 and Vita January 13th in North America and January 14th in Europe! pic.twitter.com/WHu10jqMe2
— Devolver Digital (@devolverdigital) November 5, 2014
Megaton Edition was first released on PC in March, 2013 and includes enhanced versions of the 1996 original and its three expansion packs. Duke Nukem 3D is held up with Doom and Wolfenstein 3D as being instrumental in popularizing the first-person shooter before it became one of the dominant genres in mainstream gaming. It was particularly notorious for its colorful, eponymous main character, voiced by Jon St. John, and its detailed environments, replete with flushable toilets.
Some lucky gamers were able to grab the game early when it accidentally leaked onto PSN. Devolver is taking the mistake in stride, though, according to another tweet: “It’s fine. Just be cool. :P”