For those who haven’t got a console yet and are looking to let loose in the urban dystopia of Tom Clancy’s The Division, you may want to get in on this deal. Microsoft is also looking to expand the customer base that will take part in its massive investment in Quantum Break, which the company is also publishing. Quantum Break will be getting both a game and its own television show, and will also be taking part in the bundle special. Putting the game’s promotional campaign aside, the Xbox One 500GB Name Your Game Bundle will be getting the same discount. Games you can choose from include Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Rise of the Tomb Raider, the classic HD remaster collection Rare’s Replay, and Forza Motorsport 6.
Microsoft has gone through the trouble of nudging you to empty your wallet as quickly as possible. The company tops it all off with a new set of game deals starting March 22, which lasts for one week. Included are games for both PC and Xbox, as well as their Movies and TV services on the Xbox Store. It’s not that measly of a sale either; once it starts rolling, you can save 40 to 60 percent on games, and some savings will go even higher than that.
The sale includes several Triple-A titles such as Fallout 4, Halo 5, Black Ops III, Far Cry Primal, and Rainbow 6 Siege. Backwards compatible games such as Fallout 3 and Just Cause 2 will also be getting a deal. There will be over 150 offers overall, but there are no details on exactly what they will be. A fair guess is that you shouldn’t expect only full games on there, but also DLC. Those with an Xbox Live account will be able to get these games at an additional $10 discount.
Let’s be fair here; this bundle isn’t too bad. Getting the Xbox One at $300 is a steal. If you’ve been interested in getting Microsoft’s latest console, this may be the time to invest. That simultaneous game sale is a shrewd move on Microsoft’s part.
The Spring Sale starts today, March 20, and lasts until March 28, with the games joining in on March 22.