YoungPTone, known in real life as David Trinidad, wanted a more active lifestyle, and got himself, and eventually his wife Ivonne, Fitbits. Ivonne was perplexed about what was happening to her Fitbit, and told David that it might be defective, since it consistently showed an elevated heart rate of 110 beats per minute, with her activity not matching up with the elevated heart rate.
Trinidad took to Reddit, hoping to get an answer to this dilemma, when Reddit user Thatwasunpleasant brought up the possibility that the couple is pregnant. This would make sense, since Trinidad told BBC Radio 5 he and his wife were actively trying to make a baby and it would account for the elevated heart rate. Trinidad and Ivonne eventually went to a doctor, with tests revealing that, yes, the couple is expecting.
“It’s our first child; she hasn’t been a mom before and I haven’t been a dad before,” said Trinidad. “I was aware of some of the early signs of pregnancy, but elevated heart rate wasn’t among them.”
Trinidad shared the good news on Reddit, updating his post by saying he and his wife are expecting the child to arrive this October. In addition, Trinidad said he does not work for Fitbit and that his post was not a form of guerrilla marketing. “I am a regular guy who was just looking for the communities [sic] help with his wife’s technology issue (we’ve all been there, right?),” wrote Trinidad.
Trinidad and Ivonne even set up Instagram and Twitter pages, both of which cheekily use “babyfitbit” as the username, for those interested in keeping up with news regarding their unborn child. We’ll definitely keep tabs on both pages as we congratulate the couple and hope they have a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery.