Ken Bone received an unexpected heavy load of internet love after and even during the second United States presidential debate. The mustached, red-sweater-wearing undecided voter was one of the most positive aspects of the contentious debate for his clothing, his name, his question, and his look. And now he’s made a public decision, but it has nothing to do with politics, according to CNN Money.
“Everyone wants to know if I’ve decided … and I have,” Bone tweeted on Thursday. “uberSELECT helps you ride in style like me.” Mic drop.
UberSelect is a new Uber luxury car option, testing first in St. Louis. And Bone got the first ride. According to Uber Midwest marketing manager Zack Slezak, “All of this was more than enough to win over the formerly undecided Ken Bone, who this morning took the first-ever UberSelect ride in St. Louis!”
But back to Ken Bone. Bone’s question was, “What steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs while at the same time remaining environmentally friendly and minimizing job layoffs?” The candidate’s answers weren’t memorable, but people took an immediate liking to Bone.
On Monday morning, the day after the debate, Bone was interviewed by CNN’s Carol Costello about his literal overnight fame. “I went from, last night, having seven Twitter followers, two of which were my grandmother … to now, I have several hundred,” he said. “And I don’t know why they care what I have to say, but I’m glad they’re engaged in the political process.”
On his Twitter account, which currently has 223,000 followers, Bone’s profile reads, “Somewhat reluctant, undecided, cuddly internet political faceman!”
While Bone didn’t give the nod to an offer to appear on an adult webcam service for $100,000, he did “sell out” for the UberSelect endorsement. Turns out, however, that he went for the rides, not for the bucks. According to Uber spokesperson Molly Spaeth, “We are providing him with Uber credit for his role in the launch.”