The Google Chromecast began arriving in early buyers’ homes this week, and although our first instinct was to play random Vevo and YouTube videos in the conference room during breaks, we quickly realized the power of long, hypnotic videos. Armed with DTNY’s newly remodeled office, and with our TV sitting in a golden frame, we could think of nothing better but to use Chromecast to broadcast 10-hour buffer videos and bring a little life to our busy workroom. Who needs 15-second Instagram videos when you have the power of YouTube? If you work in a small office or need a video to leave on as a party decor, look no further than the following six suggestions.
1. Yule log
A holiday classic. The Digital Trends office experienced a cold, rainy afternoon the day this idea popped up, so we thought that if we put a wood-burning log on the television screen, somehow everyone would magically feel warmer. Chromecast hypnosis at its finest! Plus it made our office feel super cozy.
2. Epic cat video compilation
When you work on the Internet all day long, it is a requirement to accept, love, and appreciate cats and their Roomba-riding ways. Leave this video up when the office needs a little laugh, or if you want to distract everyone from working. Trust us, it works impeccably well.
3. Fireworks
Absolutely nothing is more majestic than fireworks. Regardless of season or state legality, this video provides 10-whopping-hours of technicolor to wow you and your coworkers into creative inspiration. Even without the popping sounds, they’re beautifull to look at, especially when you need to divert your eyes away from the computer for a quick rest. You can pick up your jaws now.
4. Epic Sax Guy
You can’t troll the office without a little meme action, so we’re including the Epic Sax Guy as our pick since it’s probably the only musical video we can attempt to tolerate for 10 whole hours. Look at his pizzazz, his music making. It’s something we all should aspire to one day, but hopefully in 1080p. Who needs a receptionist when you’ve got this guy?
5. Guile’s theme song goes with everything
Street Fighter fans know the theme song for Guile’s stage is one of the most epic video game music to ever exist. And the best part? It syncs with virtually any video you could possibly envision. If you don’t believe us, Chromecast that baby onto your television screen and watch as 600 minutes disappear right before your eyes. We obviously picked the KFC commercial guy because he’s just so dang joyous, but there are plenty of playlists on YouTube that lists various videos in which Guile’s song makes an appropriate appearance.
6. Smooth Criminal Raccoon
We understand that not everyone can retain their attention for more than a minute, so we thought we’d sneak in a six-second vine to keep those with minimal attention span on the loop. See what we did there? Alright, back to work.