Laptop users will be excited to find new and improved touchpad controls in the settings menu. The basic settings allow you to change what different three- and four-finger gestures like swiping and tapping do, with a few new options like switching apps or virtual desktops with a flick of the wrist. There’s even a more advanced menu that allows acute control over the touchpad’s gestures, with support for media controls, window snapping, and creating or removing virtual desktops.
Speaking of configuration improvements, this new build also includes a face-lift for the Wi-Fi settings page. The main new addition there is a feature that lets you turn off Wi-Fi and have it turn back on automatically after a set period of time. We’re not exactly sure what this feature is for, but according to the Microsoft post, Insiders wanted it. This feature was already in the mobile build, where it makes slightly more sense, but its appearance on the desktop is another sign of Microsoft bringing the two versions closer together.
In addition to the new desktop features, there are new fixes and updates to a number of Windows Mobile features. If autocorrect tries to fix a word, but it’s wrong, you can now select the word you originally typed instead, and it will learn words that you use that it doesn’t recognize, as well as allowing you to remove words it mistakenly adds. When using continuum, users can now set separate timeouts for the different screens, so you can save battery.
There are, of course, a raft of bug fixes for both the mobile and desktop versions. On the PC side, a number of Edge problems have been fixed, including an overzealous scroll and crashing on launch. There were also a number of issues with UI elements, including network connection and screen brightness, not accurately reporting their state. On the mobile side, there were a few performance updates for continuum, and some knick-knacky UI updates to WhatsApp and Photos.
Along with that, there are some new known issues in the latest builds. Desktop users running antivirus and malware products may find the latest build doesn’t install, but it will roll them back to the previous build. Also, some of the bigger titles from Windows Store, such as ReCore, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears of War 4, Forza Horizon 3, and Killer Instinct may not launch. Additionally, mobile users with multiple language packs will be unable to move to this build, and Microsoft recommends switching to the slow lane for the time being to avoid unnecessary downtime.
Desktop users running antivirus and malware products may find the latest build doesn’t install.
Microsoft is also using this build as a chance to recalibrate some Insider machines that have slipped off the rails. Due to some incompatibilities in previous builds that set those users back, there’s now a “Fix me” button in the Insider settings that will help put them back on track. Any machines in developer rings or that are behind on Insider builds will also be put into the slow ring to help bring them up to speed.
With the anniversary update firmly in the rear view mirror, Microsoft has showed no signs of slowing down the improvements and iterations on the Windows 10 platform. If you want to get in on the fun, you can find the Windows Insider menu under Updates and Security in the Settings application.