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Rapper Goon Des Garcons talks about new music and his love for Elon Musk


Today, we chatted with rapper and Arkansas native Goon Des Garcons about his love for Elon Musk, his newest music video, and future projects.

Skyping in from Santa Monica, California, he was reppin’ a Space X sweatshirt, and coming off a performance the night before.

The rapper’s newest music video, “New Stimulations,” dropped last month, and in it, he raps while in a Tesla and uses a Boring Company Flamethrower. We wanted to know what he really thinks of Musk.

“People ask me that question a lot, and I’m like, ‘bro, what isn’t there about this man,'” he said. “He almost seems like a fake person, like we don’t deserve him on this planet.”

When we asked him when Space X launches commercially into space if he would be the first test flight, he didn’t hesitate to answer.

“If he wants to let me, I will go, on the first flight. I swear to God, I’ll be the first rapper in space,” he said.

We wondered if he got to keep the flamethrower, and not only did he get to keep it, he used it in his live show just the night before.

Des Garcons has been traveling around for about two years playing live shows in different parts of the U.S. He calls it his “Homeless Tour.”

“I’ve been on this thing called a ‘Homeless Tour,’ crashing on couches, doing different shows in different cites for like two years. We literally just got off ‘Homeless Tour’ and got this new apartment in Santa Monica. We have a little ground now, and have been doing shows in Austin, Arkansas, New York, California, all around America.”

He also mentioned that two months ago, he traveled to New Zealand and stayed for a month-and-a-half performing, meeting fans, and recording videos.

He said he should have new music dropping in early 2019.

“I’ve got this new project coming out called ‘Adventures’ — it’s basically a soundtrack for creatives,” he said. “It’s the last year of my life encompassed in one project. So it’s like a lot of listens, stuff I’ve learned, I have been recording voice memos and random times throughout the last year. It’s all this music in one, it’s the adventures of my life, but it’s called ‘Adventures.'”

Circling back to tech, we asked him what his favorite piece device is, and he said it’s his Mac Book Pro. He also gave a shout-out to Steve Jobs and Apple, saying that those are the only products he uses. And in light of the latest Apple announcement, we asked if he would rather have the new Apple Air or iPad. He chose the iPad simply to travel with.

Lastly, we chatted about his music video for “Quarter Century Freestyle,” which was shot using a 360-degree camera.

“I had a homie back in Arkansas named Corey Howell,” he said. “I was on holiday break and he was saying that he had this 360-degree camera … it’s basically just one camera, almost like a remote, and it has a 360 lens on both sides. So we just mounted the lens on the bike, I was holding it a lot, and gave it that little big planet effect.”

Des Garcons is heavily engaged in social media and can be followed on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. You can also check him out on Spotify and iTunes.

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Kailla Coomes
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Kailla is a staff writer from Portland, Ore. She studied Journalism at the University of Oregon and graduated in 2014. In her…
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