There is a lot of outdoor gear out there, but much of it is dependant on the season. When you’re in the market for a jacket, sleeping bag, or tent, you’re probably factoring in whether or not it’s winter, spring, or summer. It’s great to have a thermal jacket from The North Face, sure, but it’s likely not something you’re going to need all year-round. Which is why a good backpack or duffel can be so valuable. Whether you’re hiking, camping, or traveling, you’re always going to need a decent bag to carry your things in. And with REI’s Outlet sale going on right now, it is a perfect time to pick one up for cheap.
The REI Outlet has a wide variety of products on sale from some of the best outdoor brands out there. The North Face, Patagonia, Osprey, and Marmot have various backpacks, jackets, pants, and gadgets at surprisingly reasonable prices. What’s more, this sale is offering an additional $20 off your purchase when you spend $100 or more on outlet sale items. We’ve highlighted some of the best discounts we could find on popular backpacks, but the savings extend to a wide range of items that are also worth browsing.
Osprey Backpack Sale
The REI outlet has quite a few bags on sale from popular brands, but not all of those brands focus on backpacks. Osprey may not be as well known as Patagonia or The North Face, but since they really only make backpacks, duffels, and travel bags, they have some pretty great options. Many of the Osprey bags in this sale were made for more than just the occasional hike, they were meant for everyday use. With TSA-approved laptop sleeves and plenty of pockets to store your things, an Osprey backpack is a solid traveling companion.
Our picks:
- Osprey Nebula 34 Travel Pack — $30 off
- Osprey Nova 33 Travel Pack (Women’s) — $30 off
- Osprey Ozone 35 Travel Pack — $33 off
Patagonia Backpack Sale
Patagonia is one of the biggest names in the industry when it comes to outdoor gear. They have a wide array of high-quality bags, jackets, pants, and even underwear in this sale, so there’s a lot to choose from. If all you want from this sale is a new bag to slap on your back, however, we’ve gathered some of the best deals REI has to offer. With prices under $60, you can get a really nice hiking pack for a surprisingly affordable price.
Our picks:
- Patagonia Atom 18L Pack — $20 off
- Patagonia Refugio 26L Pack (Women’s) — $22 off
- Patagonia Chacabuco 30L Pack — $25 off
The North Face Backpack Sale
Whether you’re hiking, camping, snowboarding, or skiing, there’s likely a product from The North Face that can improve those activities. Though they are most well-known for winter jackets, they do actually have some pretty solid backpacks to choose from. Not all of them are available during the REI Outlet sale, but the discounts they do have are definitely worth a look.
- The North Face Jester Pack (Women’s) — $20 off
- The North Face Terra 65 Pack — $41 off
- The North Face Litus 22 Pack — $23 off