Are you tired of plain pictures on your wall? Looking for something a little more dynamic? Slow Dance offers a unique visual display that is sure to wow everyone.
Slow Dance takes everyday objects like flowers and feathers and uses light technology to make them appear to move. A combination of strobe lights and rapid vibration gives this movement a slow-motion effect. Strobe lights are most commonly found in clubs on the dance floor and can give movement a stop-motion appearance — Slow Dance uses strobes at a speed of 80 blinks per minute so the light looks continuous. This functions similarly to a television, which flashes still images so rapidly they appear to be moving.
There are different modes you can choose from to make your object move in different ways. Slow Dance is the basic slow motion movement. Double Trouble makes the object look as though it split into two objects as it moves. Pop and Lock mode makes the object look like it’s dancing through space.
The frame is constructed of pine with recessed LED lighting and two springs that hold the feathers that come with the piece in place. These feathers can easily be removed and replaced with flowers, leaves, or branches. They even have a limited-edition version made of walnut. Only 10 of these special frames were constructed and they are all numbered and signed.
The project has been in the works for two years. The first version was created as a wedding gift, and from there the creators started a Kickstarter campaign for mass production. The project has raised over $190,000, well above its $70,000 goal.