From Dallas' encounter with the titular Alien to Drew Barrymore's iconic demise at the beginning of Scream, these are the coolest kills in horror movie history.
Max has both new and classic sci-fi films, making it a great destination for fans of the genre. Here are five sci-fi movies great to watch in the summer.
With dancing aliens, sassy robots, and killer ice cream trucks, these seven upcoming video game adaptations have the potential to be weird, wild, and memorable.
From Catwoman to Ursula, these female characters in movies and TV have gone on to be gay icons thanks to their fashion, humor, and absolute dedication to camp.
Scream 6 had some absolutely brutal kill scenes, proving once again that the franchise isn't just good at spoofing horror, but it's also genuinely scary.
From Freddy to Jason, horror movie villains have racked up countless kills over the years. We count down which slasher villain has the most kills of all time.
From original songs like Jazzman to musical spoofs like The Monorail Song, these are the 10 best musical numbers from The Simpsons' 30-plus years on television.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the most likable Disney villain of them all? These 10 villains are not only wicked, but they're also likable and iconic.
Futurama is full of likable characters like Bender, Fry, and Leela thanks to their compelling stories and outlandish antics, but which ones are the most liked?
The Simpsons has introduced the world to hundreds of Springfield residents throughout the years, including some who are incredibly lovable and likable.
In 1998, Halloween H20 saved the sputtering horror franchise, thanks to a great cast and excellent scares, but it was never given the praise it deserves.
After watching Hulu's new Hellraiser movie, gamers will want to keep the scares coming...and these five horror games are perfect to entertain and terrify.
In addition to a Hulu remake, Clive Barker's horror classic Hellraiser turns 35 this year and has tons of queer and sexualized undertones throughout it.