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Stefan Doyno

Stefan Doyno

Former Digital Trends Contributor

Stefan Doyno is a native New Yorker who grew up on the Upper East Side before moving to Westchester. He is a graduate of the University at Buffalo and a recent graduate of Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. He was a producer at his undergrad television station and has interned at ABC Eyewitness News in New York City, WKBW, and MTV where he wrote for the Newsroom Blog and Movies Blog. Stefan had a business column with AOL Patch and enjoys fine restaurants, 90’s music and dry-humor. You can follow him on Twitter @thewritestefan

jobs director joshua michael stern on ipods iphones and ashton kutchers geek cred header

JOBS director Joshua Michael Stern on iPods, iPhones, and Ashton Kutcher’s geek cred

Making a biopic of an American icon who’s only just passed away, with zero access to his inner circle or the company he built, is no small feat, but Stern pulled it off.