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Snapchat Spectacles version 2.0 may come with two levels of tech

Make a Spectacle of yourself

Remember Snapchat Spectacles? Those funky yet cool sunglasses that also let you shoot videos that you then shared via Snapchat? Well, it looks like they’re back, and they’re more spectacular than ever. When the original Spectacles debuted in late 2016, they were a sort of tech novelty product – albeit a spendy one at $150 – but for a while there, they were also kind of a must-have for the tech-obsessed.

Now, the next version of Spectacles is on the way, and according to Cheddar and other sources, there may be two versions to choose from, including a $300 unit sporting two cameras, GPS and other tech goodness.  Snap’s original marketing push, which involved those sorta cute, sorta creepy “Snapbot” mobile kiosks, was perfectly executed, and they were fun, just admit it. A video camera in your glasses? Pretty cool.

Sure, Snap eventually got stuck with a few thousand pairs they couldn’t hardly give away, but this next version could be timed just right, as multiple top-tier tech companies – including Apple – reportedly have smart specs of their own in development for use with augmented reality apps.

The picture is the thing

If you’re in the market for a new TV, it might be time to take a closer look at a brand that might not sound very familiar to you: TCL. We’ve had their new 6 Series 4K TVs in house for a while now and we’re suitably impressed. The latest models include HDR and Dolby Vision extended picture quality modes, and run on the latest version of the Roku OS, giving you a lot of streaming options right out of the box. The remote includes voice recognition technology as well, so you can dial up that show or sporting event without endlessly scrolling through menus and channel guides.

But the best feature? The price. A 55-incher will only set you back $650, while the big 65-inch model is only a thousand dollars. That’s a great deal, seeing how 4K TVs without many of the new TCL’s features were three or four thousand dollars just a couple of years ago. You can preorder yours right now, and deliveries are slated for the next few weeks.

Oasis, here we come

Augmented reality is still in its infancy, but Microsoft is continuing to push forward with their Hololens project, and now they’ve added the ability to use and control virtual touchscreens. The system is called “M-R Touch,” and the tech allows a user to see and then control virtual touchscreens, as well as move and manipulate virtual objects. The tech can track your fingertips and certain gestures also make it execute specific commands.

Microsoft says the tech, which is still in development, has a nearly 98 percent accuracy rating, but you still have to wear that bulky Hololens headset. Maybe they should get together with Snap for version 3 of Spectacles…

We’ve got more news on our Facebook page and YouTube channel, and be sure to tune in to this week’s DT podcasts: Trends with Benefits (general tech shenanigans)  on Thursdays, and Between the Streams (movie and TV topics) every Friday.

Bill Roberson
Former Digital Trends Contributor
I focus on producing Digital Trends' 'DT Daily' video news program along with photographing items we get in for review. I…
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