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NASDAQ delists THQ following bankruptcy filing

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It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to report any positive news about publisher THQ, and today’s latest does nothing to change that. During the recent holiday season THQ was dropped from NASDAQ listings. The reason? NASDAQ rules require that a listed company’s stock maintain a value of at least $1 per share. On December 19, the day THQ announced that it was filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, the company’s stock dipped to $0.36 per share. It currently trades at $0.22 per share.

So what happens now? For the moment, THQ will continue to be traded on other stock markets, specifically over-the-counter markets that operate via telephone and Internet, instead of a trading floor. Once the company’s bankruptcy proceedings conclude however, THQ will become a privately-owned company with no stock to speak of. The firm’s stated goal is to slowly work its way back up to prominence from its newly-humble status, and being a privately-owned video game publisher would allow it to take more risks and be an undeniably more agile company. It would obviously have less money available, but there are worse places to start ones re-ascent to the top of the gaming world.

Whether THQ will succeed in its mission or not is anyone’s guess. The good news though is that even if THQ completely dies off, the company’s intellectual properties are too valuable to really vanish for too long. Saints Row and Darksiders games will be made by somebody, somewhere, and fans of the WWE will never have to worry if there’s a company out there willing to throw together a virtual wrestling game. That said, we’ve previously applauded THQ’s attempts to avoid lay-offs throughout its financial struggles and hope that the company can maintain that stance. We’ll bring you more on THQ’s status as it emerges.

Earnest Cavalli
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Earnest Cavalli has been writing about games, tech and digital culture since 2005 for outlets including Wired, Joystiq…
A game that’s just about clicking a banana is going viral on Steam
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A new game is rising on the Steam most-played charts, and it's not a new battle royale or Call of Duty game. It's a free-to-play clicker game where all you do is click an illustration of a banana.

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The announcement of a new Civilization game is one of the only things that strikes both joy and fear into the hearts of fans in equal measure. On one hand, they know they're about to begin one of the most engaging, frustrating, rewarding, and deep 4X game ever created. On the other, they know that booting this game up has the mystical power to fast forward time multiple hours in the blink of an eye. You might start a game at 9 p.m. and only plan to play a few rounds, only to look back at the clock and see that it's 6 a.m. the following morning. Before you start coming up with excuses to get out of work and stockpiling microwavable food, here's everything we know so far about Civilization 7.
Release date window
The release window for Civilization 7 is currently 2025. If we were to guess, we would say it would be a fall or winter release that year, but more details will help narrow down the timeframe soon.

Even though 2025 will be the fifth year of the current generation of consoles, Civilization 7 is already confirmed to be a cross-generational game. It will be available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, and even Nintendo Switch.
Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Official Teaser Trailer

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