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Outdoors Features

Arc'teryx Voltair Avalanche Airbag

How Arc’teryx uses tech from vacuum cleaners to save your life in an avalanche

The Arc’teryx Voltair avalanche airbag uses an electric blower system that's the result of designers playing with RC helicopters and vacuum cleaners.
Kammok Sunda

Sleep above the fray (and rocks) in Kammok’s elegant tent-hammock hybrid

The Kammok Sunda could be the most versatile camping shelter ever invented with four possible configurations weighing between one to five pounds.
awesome tech you cant buy yet 2 101616

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Levitating turntables, a tent-hammock hybrid

Check out our roundup of the coolest crowdfunding projects and product announcements that hit the web this week. You can't buy this stuff yet, but it sure is fun to gawk!
Awesome tech you can't buy yet

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Mesh antennas, portable AC, and more

awesome tech you cant buy yet 9 11 2016 091116

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: A crazy new MMORPG, hackable frisbees, and more

how to avoid pfcs in waterproof rain gear why some wrecks the environment

Why some waterproof gear wrecks the environment, and how to avoid it

awesome tech you cant buy yet crowdfunding projects 8 21 16 082116

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Water drones, fire-spewing speakers, and more

evo 43 yacht

Like a floating Transformer, this yacht changes shape at the push of a button

Evo 43 is a yacht that, with the slightest tap of an accompanying smartphone app, will change its shape to increase the deck area by a whopping 40 percent.
bmw team usa swimming nathan

How BMW’s self-driving car tech will give American swimmers a leg up in Rio

BMW is lending its automotive computer vision expertise to helping Team USA develop cutting-edge technology for improving their swimming.