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Two Atlas Fallen characters stand together in key art.

Atlas Fallen unexpectedly gives Forspoken some real competition

If you liked Forspoken's gameplay but couldn't deal with its writing, Atlas Fallen should be on your radar.
the surge 2 announced thesurgehiding

Prepare your power strips: ‘The Surge 2’ is coming to consoles and PC in 2019

Deck13 and Focus Home Interactive are teaming up again for The Surge 2, coming in 2019. The Souls-like game will take place in a city instead of the corporate headquarters of the original.
the surge motion capture weighed down thesurgewarren

'The Surge' developer Deck13 used a weighted vest for more brutal motion capture

The Surge developer Deck13 weighed its stuntman down during the motion capture process in order to portray heavier, more brutal combat.
the surge combat trailer thesurgearmor

Combat is the star of the show in the latest 'The Surge' trailer

The Surge is shaping up to be a frenetic action role-playing game, with several weapon types to choose from.