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Quantum computer

IBM has announced its 127-qubit “Eagle” quantum processor.

IBM’s new 127-qubit processor is a major breakthrough in quantum computing

IBM has announced its latest quantum processor, named Eagle, which achieves a major breakthrough in the quantum computing industry.
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It’s not time travel, but scientists can turn back clock on a quantum computer

Physicists from Russia, the U.S. and Switzerland have demonstrated that they can wind back the clock on a quantum computer a fraction of a second in time. Don't get too excited about the prospect of human time travel any time soon, though! Here's what their experiment involved.
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There’s now proof that quantum computing is superior to the classical variety

Researchers previously had to resort to theoretical concepts to describe the benefits of quantum computers, but that is no longer true. A team from IBM, the University of Waterloo, and the Technical University of Munich showed how a quantum computer outperformed a classical PC on a single math problem.
d wave 2000 qubit processor quantum computing 2x usc v4

Why the world’s fastest quantum computer … really isn’t a quantum computer

Quantum computation may sound futuristic, but Lockheed Martin is nearing a practical implementation for this advanced field of tech.
mit five atom quantum rsa

MIT's newest quantum computer puts us one step closer to defeating modern encryption

The NSA warned us about meddling with quantum computers, claiming they would break common encryption methods. Turns out that may be sooner than later.