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Walmart Selling Cheap Android Phones

Walmart Selling Cheap Android Phones

If you’re looking for an Android phone, you might want to take a trip to Walmart.

550 of its stores are now selling the phone at a lower price than T-Mobile, the company told Dow Jones. While the network operator charges $179.99 for the handset, Walmart has it on sale for $148.88 with a two-year contract.

Walmart hasn’t said whether it plans to sell the phone in more stores in the US.

In a related story, the T-Mobile G1 has gone on sale in the UK, Vnunet reports. It’s available free of charge with a $70 a month contract.

Jim Hyde, managing director of T-Mobile in the UK said:

“With so much excitement generated by the announcement last month, we’re thrilled to bring the T-Mobile G1 to the UK in time for Christmas.”

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