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HTC Thunderbolt users, you can stop crying! You’re getting Android 4.0

thunderbolt-ICSHTC Thunderbolt owners rejoice! You’ve been putting up with horrible battery life and a bulky phone for way too long, but finally, after months of waiting, HTC and Verizon are planning to give you a small gift for your patience. Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich has been released for the device. While it’s no 4.1 Jelly Bean, it’s certainly bringing many desired features to the aging device.

Android version 4.0, also known as Ice Cream Sandwich, was released back in late 2011, and while many users of the popular Google operating system are already lining up for the latest edition, Android Jelly Bean, not all smartphone owners are as fortunate  For some, specifically those who own devices from 2011 or earlier, it can become difficult to keep getting updates for all the great features you want. HTC Thunderbolt owners are now getting the ICS update after months of speculation. While August was the original date for the update to go out, several issues kept it from being released. In December, a Twitter post restored excitement with HTC hinting an update was around the corner. While it’s been nearly two months since that Twitter post, it’s always better to be late than to never release an update.

Verizon has started a staggered roll out of the update is currently being staggered, meaning that even if you haven’t gotten it yet for your device then keep your eyes out for it in the coming days. Users will enjoy all sorts of new features including notifications from the lockscreen, and the Ice Cream Sandwich app-switcher screen. Sadly though, at this rate it’s anyone’s guess as to when the Thunderbolt will get Jelly Bean. We’re guessing, never.

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Joshua Sherman
Former Digital Trends Contributor
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