The one game that’s received Nvidia’s special attention in 378.78 is Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Sniper Elite 4 For Honor Halo Wars 2 Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
The most notable new feature in the 378.78 drivers is support for the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. The 378 series drivers now support the full line of GeForce GTX 1050, 1050 Ti, and 1080 GPUs, including the mobile versions.
In addition, 378.78 adds or updates SLI profiles for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Titanfall 2, and Tom Clancy’s The Division. The only 3D Vision profile added or updated is for Ghost Recon: Wildlands,; no 3D Compatibility Mode Profiles were added or updated.
Some of the fixes in 378.78 include:
- Blue-screen crashes occurring with GeForce 1050 Ti implementations in some notebooks.
- PhysX using the CPU when the Optimize for Compute Performance setting is off for the GeForce GTX 980 Ti, resolving the drop in performance.
- The GFE FPS counter should no longer appear in Discord.
- The GPUGrid CUDA application should no longer cause driver errors.
- The PrimeGrid Genefer OpenCL tool should no longer cause driver errors.
- The Steam NvFBC H.264 encode should no longer crash.
Some of the known issues with 378.78 are:
- You might need to perform a clean installation.
- Civilization VI might show black corruption when entering in-game menus after skipping cutscenes.
- Device Manager might show error code 43 after installing driver with HDMI display connected.
- Pascal GPUs on notebook might remain blank and require a reboot after overinstalling the driver.
- Gears of War 4 might hang while loading levels on GeForce GTX 970M SLI systems.
- Quantum Break windows might remain blank or freeze in game scenes in windowed mode.
For all of the driver details for the 378.78 WHQL driver release, head over here. You can install the latest drivers using the Nvidia Experience app, or you can download them from the Nvidia driver page.