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Disney looks like it’s about to launch its first-ever drone show

First Look: A New Holiday Experience Coming to Disney Springs
Disney seems determined not to let any drone-based opportunities fly past unnoticed, at least that’s what a teaser video released this week appears to suggest.

Posted on YouTube on Monday, the video urges visitors to Disney Springs in Florida to “look to the stars,” with the entertainment giant promising “a new holiday experience” for everyone dropping by in the run up to Christmas.

The short promo shows what appears to be a huge number of LED-laden drones buzzing noisily in the night sky, forming the shape of a Christmas tree rotating slowly against the dark backdrop. There’s also a couple of guys close by apparently controlling the performance via a laptop and other gear.

Disney has been keen to get involved with quadcopters for a while, its interest increasing since the arrival of reliable machines with autonomous capabilities.

Coming up with its own ideas for how it might utilize the birds, it recently secured a patent for so-called “projector drones” that buzz about while projecting images onto screens dangling below the flying machines. The patent, which was granted in August, explains how the autonomous drones could be used in large groups for displays, “with floating or flying projection screens” showing changing imagery set to music.

The patent also describes how drones could open “new frontiers for aerial advertising,” and suggests how they might be useful for getting important information to visitors quickly in an emergency situation.

For the upcoming displays teased in this week’s video, Disney had to get special permission from the Federal Aviation Administration to fly drones in its U.S. parks, something it received last Friday.

The waiver is valid for four years, though can be withdrawn at any point if Disney is deemed to violate safety rules at any point. It allows the drones to be flown at night, and stipulates that operators must have remote pilot certificates.

Disney is yet to release details about the holiday season displays, but it sounds like the revolutionary project will be taking to the skies soon.

Trevor Mogg
Contributing Editor
Not so many moons ago, Trevor moved from one tea-loving island nation that drives on the left (Britain) to another (Japan)…
Wing launches the first commercial drone delivery service in the United States
episode 216 google wing

Drone delivery has officially started in the United States.
Drone delivery service Wing began delivering over-the-counter medication, as well as snacks and gifts, to people who live and work in the town of Christiansburg, Virginia, this week.
The company recently acquired an expanded Air Carrier Certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that allows it to operate. That certificate allows “multiple pilots to oversee multiple unmanned aircraft making commercial deliveries simultaneously to the general public.”
Wing Launches America's First Commercial Drone Delivery Service to Homes in Christiansburg, Virginia
Google-owned Wing is working with Walgreens, FedEx Express, and Virginia retailer Sugar Magnolia on the project, the company said via a Medium post announcing the inaugural delivery.
FedEx is expected to complete its first scheduled e-commerce drone delivery using Wing’s drones, making it the first delivery company to use a drone for that “last mile” delivery.
Customers in the area can opt-in to using the drone service for deliveries. When the drones make one of those deliveries, packages will be gently lowered to a small, designated part of that customer’s yard or driveway. After the delivery is complete, the drone will return to its “nest” in North Christiansburg.
“Our near-term focus is providing a great experience for our customers in Christiansburg, and getting feedback on how they can best use the service,” a Wing spokesperson told Digital Trends last month when it originally announced its plans for the trial. “We’re excited about the potential to expand but we don’t have specific plans to announce.”
While Wing is the first company to be certified by the FAA, Amazon currently is working on its own delivery drone and UPS has announced a drone delivery program in partnership with drone-maker Matternet in July.
Amazon’s drone should be making its first public appearance relatively soon. The company announced in June that it planned to start using drones to deliver packages to customers “in the coming months.”
Its drone has six rotors and can take off like a helicopter but fly like a plane. The first Prime Air delivery drone was unveiled in 2013. Amazon’s services had already made a few deliveries, the first of which happened in 2013 in Cambridge, England.

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