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Microsoft: Shadow Brokers’ hack exploits have already been patched

There’s no place for home

Fortune is saying that Apple may have hit a stumbling block in the creation of their top-tier iPhone, which rumors say will likely be called the iPhone Edition. One key feature of the Edition could be a front display covering the entire front of the phone, which would, of course, require some sort of trick to implementing the home button at the bottom of the screen. And that’s where Fortune says Apple has run into a problem.

Apparently, Apple is having problems getting the fingerprint reader under the display to work. If they can’t figure it out soon, analysts say Apple may have to move the fingerprint reader to the back of the phone, which is what Samsung did with the new Galaxy S8. But “innovation” icon Apple probably doesn’t want to be seen as copying Samsung, so what to do? Traditionally, Apple finalizes iPhone design in March so phones are ready to sell in September.

If they can’t get this figured out soon, that could delay the much-anticipated device, which is another negative for Apple. Looks like it’s crunch time for Jony and Tim.

But you might want to update pretty much everything

You may have heard how a cache of hacks against Windows machines were recently released by the so-called Shadow Brokers hacking group, and if you’re worried about getting victimized, we understand you concerns.

So does Microsoft apparently, and they quickly went on the offensive after the release to assure Windows users that the OS is fully patched up against the threats, some of which date back nearly a decade. However, some of the vulnerabilities were only patched last month, according to a Microsoft blogpost on April 14th that included a table showing which updates addressed which threats. We’ve at link to the table, which is also full of links, of course.

They also advised anyone not running up-to-date software to, you know, update it as soon as possible.

Can tech feed the world?

What’s one thing every person on Planet Earth does every day? Check Facebook? Well, not yet, but everyone does need to eat every day, and with 7.5 billion people needing daily nutrition, scientists are working to develop tech that can feed everyone – now and in the future.

For the next couple of weeks here at DT, we’re taking a closer look at the Future of Food: how it’s grown, where it’s grown, and the cutting-edge technologies used for everything from growing, harvesting and distributing food, to the latest genetic discoveries that could end up feeding everyone when the population hits 10 billion people in the very near future. It’s the Future of Food, and there’s a lot to talk about. Hit this link for the first taste of our new series.

Bill Roberson
Former Digital Trends Contributor
I focus on producing Digital Trends' 'DT Daily' video news program along with photographing items we get in for review. I…
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