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Here’s everything that happened at Disney’s D23 Expo this weekend

Kingdom Hearts III at Disney's D23 Expo
Image used with permission by copyright holder
While it wasn’t quite E3 levels of proportions, Disney’s D23 Expo featured a somewhat surprising amount of video game updates and reveals. The quiet fury of titles on display — largely made possible due to Disney’s relatively recent acquisitions — almost made us wonder how long it may be before Disney has its own E3 press conference slot. From exciting Kingdom Hearts III news, to Star Wars Battlefront II, to superhero-ing in VR, let’s rundown everything we learned at D23 Expo from a gaming perspective.

Kingdom Hearts III release window

KINGDOM HEARTS III – D23 2017 Toy Story Trailer

At long last, we know at least the year to expect the Square Enix/Disney RPG crossover Kingdom Hearts III. The long-awaited sequel to 2005’s Kingdom Hearts II will launch sometime in 2018 for Xbox One and PS4.

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On top of the 2018 arrival, we learned that a Pixar franchise will be featured in the series for the first time. Sora, Donald, and Goofy will find themselves in the world of Toy Story, enlisting the help of Buzz Lightyear, Woody, and gang to find Andy, who has mysteriously gone missing. Besides the original storyline, the Toy Story world will include well-known characters and set-pieces from the film franchise.

First look at Star Wars Battlefront II‘s campaign

Star Wars Battlefront 2: Behind The Story

We had already seen extended looks at Star Wars Battlefront II‘s multiplayer mode, but we haven’t seen very much from the Imperial-oriented campaign. During a “Behind the Story” trailer, shown above, we saw Iden Versio in action for the first time outside of our private gameplay session at E3. But don’t blink, because it goes by quickly. We watch Iden walk down a corridor and tase a Rebel soldier (at the 50 second mark). That was it as far as pure gameplay, but the video did feature some interesting commentary from the development team.

“I’ve always been a fan of the Dark Side,” Battlefront II game director Mark Thompson says at the start of the trailer. “The idea of the Imperial perspective is you never really understand who they are as people, or how the organization works,” he continues.

The central question that the development team wanted to answer in Battlefront II‘s narrative: What happened after Return of the Jedi, when the galaxy no longer had an emperor?

Janina Gavankar, the actress who plays Iden says, “We happened to be on Endor when the second Death Star explodes.” The explosion and the death of the emperor is the catalyst for the events that play out throughout the narrative.

While we didn’t learn concrete story details from the trailer, it nonetheless wet our palettes in anticipation for Star Wars Battlefront II’s November 17 launch on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Marvel Powers United VR revealed

Announcing: Marvel Powers United Oculus Rift + Touch VR trailer

If you’ve always wanted to be a superhero, Marvel Powers United VR might be the game for you. Serving as the big game reveal at D23, Marvel Powers United lets you team up with up to three friends, each of whom gets to embody their own superhero from a first-person, immersive perspective. When it arrives on Oculus Rift (with Touch control support) in 2018, there will be a cast of more than 12 superheroes, including Hulk, Captain Marvel, and Rocket Raccoon.

Developed by Sanzaru, we will get a better look at Marvel Powers United VR at San Diego Comic Con later this week.

An older Spider-Man

An Inside Look at Marvel’s Spider-Man

Like Star Wars Battlefront II, Insomniac’s upcoming PS4 exclusive Spider-Man received a behind-the-scenes look of its own. Spider-Man will be set in its own unique world, with an original story not represented by either the comic books or the film franchise — although the story was inspired by the Ultimate Spider-Man comics.

Throughout the story, we will learn how the worlds of Spider-Man and Peter Parker overlap one another. Interestingly, Spider-Man will start off as 23 years of age, meaning that he is already acclimated to his radiation-induced web-slinging powers.

Insomniac claimed that both the web-slinging and combat has been improved since E3. Players can utilize the interactive environment around them as they please, for both traveling and fighting baddies.

Spider-Man doesn’t have a firm launch date, but we know it will sling onto PS4 sometime in 2018.

Star Wars: Jedi Challenges unveiled

Star Wars: Jedi Challenges Sneak Peek

Disney revealed a new partnership with Lenovo to create a Star Wars augmented reality experience delivered by a custom AR headset. Star Wars: Jedi Challenges will let users experience aspects of the franchise such as lightsaber battles, AR toy battles, and Holochess.

We still need to learn its price and release date, but Star Wars: Jedi Challenges sounds pretty neat, right?

Steven Petite
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Steven is a writer from Northeast Ohio currently based in Louisiana. He writes about video games and books, and consumes…
The best video games for couples

The notion that video games are a hobby people do alone has never been true. Even the early console generations encouraged people to play together. Today, some of the best PS5 games, best Xbox Series X games, and best Switch games are multiplayer titles. Playing games together as a couple is a fantastic way to strengthen your bond, develop your communication skills, teamwork, and just have fun sharing a hobby. A great game for couples doesn't have to be a co-op game or a split-screen game, but those tend to be the best options. Whether your partner is a veteran gamer or has hardly touched a controller, we've picked out the best video games for couples of all skill levels.

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Valve has taken further steps to ban exploitative game mechanics
A person running Steam on the M4 MacBook Pro. Rocket League is up on the screen

Valve has banned forced in-game advertisements for any game listed on the Steam platform. This means that any game that locks gameplay behind commercials, awards items for clicking a link, or utilizes any of the tricks that mobile games are so fond of will receive an instant ban.

One thing to keep in mind is this was already a rule, but it was buried on Steam's Pricing page within the Steamworks Documentation. Valve has since updated the database and added a page detailing advertising to make the rule much more visible, essentially giving developers an ultimatum: remove exploitative elements like this or be taken off Steam.

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The best video game Easter Eggs of all time
The chris houlihan room in Link to the past.

As long as there have been video games, there have been secrets hidden within them. There are some things like secret endings to find, but Easter Eggs are more about the fun of finding them than actually adding something to the game. It is a tradition that began at the beginning of the video game console generation timeline and persists to this day. Fans love scouring the biggest open-world games and looking into the code of the best indies to see if there's some secret waiting to be found and shared. We can't wait to see what Easter Eggs are found in all the upcoming video games, but for now, we wanted to look back and round up all the best ones from gaming history.
Adventure - Secret credits

We couldn't start with any other Easter Egg than the one widely considered to be the first one in gaming history. Adventure is a very basic Atari game where you guide a block of pixels around a sprawling map trying to reach a chalace. This was in a period when games didn't have credits, so no one knew who was making them besides the publisher. The solo developer of Adventure wanted to tell the world he made the game, but had to do it in a secret way that Atari wouldn't see and remove. So, Warren Robinett made a secret room in the game that requires players to carry an invisible pixel to a specific place to access where he wrote out "Created by Warren Robinett." He wasn't sure anyone would be able to discover it, but a boy named Adam Clayton managed to somehow figure it out and even wrote to Atari to share his discovery. Thankfully, Robinett had already left the company at that time.
Diablo 2 - The cow level

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