From Software released a new trailer for Dark Souls III Friday, revealing the game will be available in the U.S. and U.K. on April 12, 2016.
The developer announced the game would be coming out on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC that month back in September, but had not narrowed down the exact release date. The game will be released in Japan on March 24.
As one might expect of a Dark Souls game, the trailer is chock full giant, scary looking bosses and desolate landscapes. There isn’t much dying in the trailer, but then you’ll likely see that more than enough of times once the game is released.
Meanwhile, a second video released by developer From Software shows a few minutes of gameplay. First, a knight rolls to fight off lanky limbed monsters while dodging giant spears getting launched at his position. Later, the knight fights a boss-sized tree beast with a giant flaming sword.
Though the trailer information is in Japanese, the name indicates the demo is tied to Sony’s PlayStation Experience event in San Francisco this weekend. Publisher Namco Bandai is included on a list of developers associated with the event on the PlayStation Blog.
From Software also announced the game’s $120 collector’s edition, which will include a metal game case, the official soundtrack, a cloth game map, a “starter” strategy guide, a 10″ Red Knight figurine and special collector’s box. Pre-ordering the game will net you a copy of the “Day One” edition, which includes the soundtrack, starter guide and a special box, for $60. Both versions are available on the Dark Souls 3 website and at many major retailers.
A third collector’s box set, only available in the U.K. and called the Prestige Edition, contains everything from the collector’s edition, as well as three iron-on patches and a 40cm Lord of Cinder figurine. (That’s 15.75″, if you’re wondering.)