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How to open Silent Chests in Diablo 4

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Cracking open a massive, glowing chest and scooping up all that colorful loot is one of the best parts about playing a Diablo title. That dopamine rush of seeing all those new gear items spill onto the ground is unmatched, even if the contents aren't exactly what you're looking for. Diablo 4 obviously has plenty of chests to plunder, but there's one kind you may stumble upon that can't be opened like the rest. Silent Chests require what are called Whispering Keys to open. That's all well and good, except for the fact that the game won't tell you what those are or where to get them. That's where we come in, Wanderer, so here's everything you need to know about opening Silent Chests in Diablo 4 so you can access that top-tier loot.




20 minutes

What You Need

  • Whispering Keys

  • 20 Murmuring Obols

A man selling whispering keys in diablo.
Activision Blizzard

How to open Silent Chests

Silent Chests appear in the open world of Diablo 4, but seemingly at random, much like World Events. They tend to spawn off the main path, and usually somewhere near large groups of enemies. Once you see one, it will be unmistakable thanks to its large size and glow. While you could potentially find a chest and have time to get a key and return before it despawns, it is much safer to have at least one Whispering Key on you at all times just in case you get lucky.

Step 1: Visit a Purveyor of Curiosities vendor in most major towns. These vendors are marked by an icon of a sack of coins.

Step 2: These vendors trade in all types of gear, including weapons and armor in exchange for a special currency called Murmuring Obols.

Step 3: If you don't already have at least 20, you can only collect Murmuring Obols by participating in randomly spawned World Events. World Events appear as large orange circles on your map at random places and locations.

Step 4: With 20 or more Murmuring Obols, scroll all the way to the bottom of the vendor's wares to spot the stock of Whispering Keys.

Step 5: You can seemingly purchase as many keys as you want, so feel free to stock up so you never miss out on opening a Silent Chest.

The contents of a Silent Chest, like any other, will be random. While they do appear to have better odds at dropping higher-tier loot, you could still get an unlucky roll.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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